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副教授 硕士生导师









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通讯/办公地址 : 清水河校区五号科研楼

办公室电话 : 028-61831748

邮箱 : xinwang@uestc.edu.cn


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1. 高温无机涂层及服役性能研究,包括热障涂层、环境障涂层和电磁和红外功能涂层等;

2. Feko、CST、Abaqus和第一性原理计算;

3. 纤维及增强树脂基复合材料。


[1] J H, P L, Q Li, J X, S J, X J, X Wang*, et al. Influence of high-enthalpy atmospheric plasma spraying power on oxidation resistance of ZrB2 -LaF3 coatings[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021.

[2] L Q ,  L D , X Wang , et al. Jerusalem cross geometry magnetic substrate absorbers for low-frequency broadband applications[J]. AIP Advances, 2021, 11(3):035037.

[3] J H, Q L, J X, P L, S J , X Wang*, et al. Influence of dispersion method of LaF3 in ZrB2-based ceramics on high-temperature oxidation resistance[J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(15).

[4] Q L, J H, J X, X Wang* , et al. Effect of spray process on dielectric properties of APS-deposited CaO–B2O3–SiO2 glass-ceramic coatings-ScienceDirect[J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40( 13):4527-4535.

[5] H J , X J , J X, Q L,Wang* , et al. Improving oxidation resistance of ZrB2-based ceramics by LaF3 doping via oxidation-induced self-healing mechanism[J]. Ceramics International, 2020, 47(1–2).

[6] F X ,  Wang, Y  Liu, et al. Investigation of electrical properties of pressureless sintered ZrB2 -based ceramics[J]. Ceramics International, 2019.

[7] S L,  X Wang,  Yu Z ,et al. Patterned AlN ceramic for high-temperature broadband reflection reduction[J]. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, 2019, 52(23).

[8] F X , Wang* ,  Liu Y , et al. Oxidation Behavior of Plasma-sprayed ZrB2-SiC Coatings[J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 45(2).

[9] F X ,  X Wang* , Yuan L , et al. Pursuing enhanced oxidation resistance of ZrB2 ceramics by SiC and WC co-doping[J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018:S0955221918304710.

[10] Z N ,  X Wang* ,  Liu T , et al. Microwave absorbing performance enhancement of Fe75Si15Al10 composites by selective surface oxidation.[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017.

[11] M B, X Wang* , et al. Thickness dependence of magnetization reversal mechanism in perpendicularly magnetized L10 FePt films[J]. Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, 2017.

[12] M B , Xin Wang* , L H , et al. Magnetic and microwave properties of amorphous FeCoNbBCu thin films[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016,119(2):023906.

[13] X Wang*, Junyi, et al. Evolution of hyperfine structure and magnetic characteristic in Fe-Si-Cr alloy with increasing heat treatment temperature[J]. Materials & Design, 2016.

[14] M B , X Wang* ,Lu H, et al. Zero-bias-field microwave dynamic magnetic properties in trapezoidal ferromagnetic stripe[J]. Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, 2016, 408(Jun.):7-12.

[15] G L, Y C, N,  X Wang* , et al. The precipitation in annealing and its effect on permittivity of Fe–Si–Al powders[J]. Physica B Condensed Matter, 2016, 481:1-7.

[16] N Z , G L ,  X Wang* ,et al. The influence of annealing temperature on hyperfine magnetic field and saturation magnetization of Fe-Si-Al-Cr flake-shaped particles[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Materials Science and Solid-state Chemistry and Physics, 2016.

[17] L W,  X Wang, L D, et al. Low frequency (100kHz–1 MHz) permeability measurement method in magnetic material[C].2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS). IEEE, 2016.

[18] M B, X Wang , L Z , et al. Dynamic excitation of 2pi vortex in a hard/soft bilayer nanodot[C].2016 4th International Conference on Machinery, Materials and Information Technology Applications. 2016.

[19] B M ,X Wang, L H , et al. Enhanced Nucleation of Magnetic Vortex in Geometrically Confined Nanodots[J]. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015,51(11):1-4.

[20] C D , X Wang*, P Z , et al. Microwave magnetic and absorption properties of M-type ferrite BaCoxTixFe12-2xO19 in the Ka band[J]. Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials, 2014.

[21] Z X ,  L D ,  X Wang*, et al. The evolution of microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe–Si–Cr powders on ball-milling process[J]. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2014, 582:558-562.

[22]  X Wang* , D L, X J , et al. Non-isothermal kinetic parameters and models of crystallization for amorphous Fe–Co–Nb–Cu–B alloys[J]. Physica B Condensed Matter, 2013, 410:251-258.

[23] X Wang*, Z L, D L , et al. Structure, thermodynamic behavior and static magnetic properties of Al addition FeCoNbCuB alloy ribbons[J]. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2013, 574(Complete):112-118.

[24] X Wang , Z L, G R , et al. A Ferromagnetic Resonance Numerical Computation Method of Ferromagnetic Nano-Sphere[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 643:157-161.

[25] G R, X Wang , Z B , et al. Composite of Flake-Shape Sendust Particles and its Application on Patch Antenna[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 765-767:3086-3089.

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 热喷涂粉末制备;固相反应陶瓷粉末合成。
  • 纤维增强树脂基复合材料。
  • 等离子喷涂涂层:包括热障涂层,环境障涂层,雷达和红外功能涂层,疏水涂层。