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杨雪松,郑馨竹,王秉中,中国发明专利:基于开口谐振环的方向图可重构天线,专利号:ZL 201510185542.5,申请日期:2015.04.20.公开号:CN104868238A,公开日:2015.08.26.授权日:2017.10.17.

2019-10-02 Hits:

Disigner of the Invention:YANG Xue Song,Xin-Zhu Zheng,Wang Bingzhong

Type of Patent:发明

State of Patent:Authorized patents

Application Number:201510185542.5

Authorization number:ZL 201510185542.5

Number of Inventors:3

Service Invention or Not:no

Application Date:2015-04-20

Authorization Date:2017-10-17

Publication Date:2015-08-26

YANG Xue Song

Gender:Female Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Degree:Doctor of Science Status:On the job E-Mail: