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    • 教授 博士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:四川农业大学
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 学位:农学博士学位
    • 在职信息:在岗
    • 所在单位:生命科学与技术学院

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    学术经历:   1988.09-1992.07获得四川农业大学农学系作物专业学士学位;1992.09-1995.07获得四川农业大学农学院作物遗传育种硕士学位;1995.09-1999.09获得四川农业大学农学院作物遗传育种博士学位;1997.09-2002.11任四川农业大学小麦研究所助理研究员;2001.07-2008.02在以色列海法大学进化研究所做博士后研究;2001.12-2004.08任四川农业大学小麦研究所副研究员;2002.10-2004.06在美国新泽西州立大学Waksman研究所做博士后研究;2004.07-2007.06任电子科技大学生命科学与技术学院副教授;2007.07-今任电子科技大学生命科学与技术学院教授、博士生导师。 


    科研项目:  杨足君 多抗性小麦-多年生簇毛麦渐渗系鉴定与抗性基因的分子标记(31171542) 国家自然科学基金面上项目 66 2012-2015 杨足君 生物信息学在小麦育种中的应用(KJGG-06-03) 四川省小麦育种攻关项目 20 2011-2015 


    发表文章:  Zhang T, Talbert PB, Zhang W, Wu Y, Yang Z, Henikoff J, Henikoff S*, Jiang J*. 2013. The CentO satellite confers translational and rotational phasing on CENH3 nucleosomes in rice centromeres. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110 (50): E4875-E4883. Li GR, Liu C, Li CH, Zhao JM, Zhou L, Dai G, Yang EN, Yang ZJ*. 2013. Introgression of a novel Thinopyrum intermedium St-chromosome-specific HMW-GS gene into wheat. Molecular Breeding 31(4): 843-853. Yang Z*, Zhang T, Lang T, Li G, Chen G, Nevo E. 2013. Transcriptome comparative profiling of barley eibi1 mutant reveals pleiotropic effects of HvABCG31 gene on cuticle biogenesis and stress responsive pathways. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14(10): 20478-20491. Song XJ, Li GR, Zhan HX, Liu C, Yang ZJ*. 2013. Molecular identification of a new wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium ssp. trichophorum addition line for resistance to stripe rust. Cereal Research Communications 41(2): 211-220. Lei MP, Li GR, Zhou L, Li CH, Liu C, Yang ZJ*. 2013. Identification of wheat-Secale africanum chromosome 2Rafr introgression lines with novel disease resistance and agronomic characteristics. Euphytica 194(2): 197-205 Li GR, Liu C, Yang EN, Yang ZJ*. 2013. Isolation and phylogenetic analyses of novel γ-gliadin genes in genus Dasypyrum. Genetics and Molecular Research 12 (1): 783-790. Liu J, Chang Z*, Zhang X, Yang Z, Li X, Jia J, Zhan H, Guo H, Wang J. 2013. Putative Thinopyrum intermedium-derived stripe rust resistance gene Yr50 maps on wheat chromosome arm 4BL. Theor Appl. Genet 126(1):265-274. Wei W, Zhang T, Lin D, Yang ZJ, Guo FB*. 2013. Transcriptional abundance is not the single force driving the evolution of bacterial proteins. BMC Evol Biol. 13: 162 Lei MP, Li GR, Liu C, Yang ZJ*. 2012. Characterization of new wheat- Secale africanum derivatives reveals evolutionary aspects of chromosome 1R in rye. Genome 55(11): 765-774. Li GR, Liu C, Wei P, Song XJ, Yang ZJ*. 2012. Chromosomal distribution of a new centromeric Ty3-gypsy retrotransposon sequence in Dasypyrum and related Triticeae species. Journal of Genetics 91(3): 343-348 Hu LJ, Liu C, Zeng ZX,?Li GR, Song XJ, Yang ZJ*. 2012. Genomic rearrangement between wheat and Thinopyrum elongatum revealed by mapped functional molecular markers. Genes and genomics 34(1): 67-75. Hu LJ, Li GR, Zhan HX, Liu C, Yang ZJ*. 2012. New St-chromosome specific molecular markers for identifying wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium derivative lines. Journal of Genetics 91e69-e74. Hu LJ, Zeng ZX, Liu C, Li GR, Yang ZJ*. 2012. Isolation and chromosomal localization of new MITE-like sequences from Secale. Biologia 67(1): 126-131 Zeng ZX, Hu LJ, Li GR, Liu C, Yang ZJ*. 2012. Phenotypic and epigenetic changes occurred during the autopolyploidization of Aegilops tauschii. Cereal Research Communications 49(4): 476-485. Zhou J, Zhang H, Yang Z, Li G, Hu L, Lei M, Liu C, Zhang Y, Ren Z*. 2012. Characterization of a new T2DS.2DL-?R translocation triticale ZH-1 with multiple resistances to diseases. Genetic Resource and Crop Evolution. 59(6): 1161-1168. Yang Z*, Zhang T, Li G, Nevo E. 2011. Adaptive microclimatic evolution of the dehydrin 6 gene in wild barley at Evolution Canyon, Israel. Genetica 139(11-12): 14291438. Hu LJ, Li GR, Zeng ZX, Chang ZJ, Liu C, Yang ZJ*. 2011. Molecular characterization of a wheat -Thinopyrum ponticum partial amphiploid and its derived substitution line for resistance to stripe rust. Journal of Applied Genetics 52(3): 279-285 Hu LJ, Li GR, Zeng ZX, Chang ZJ, Liu C, Zhou JP, Yang ZJ*. 2011. Molecular cytogenetic identification of a new wheat-Thinopyrum substitution line with stripe rust resistance. Euphytica, 177:169177. Liu C, Li G, Yan H, Zhou J, Hu L, Lei M, Ran L, Yang Z*. 2011. Molecular and cytogenetic identification of new wheat- D. breviaristatum additions conferring resistance to stem rust and powdery mildew. Breeding Science 61(4): 366372. Lei MP, Li GR, Zhang SF, Liu C, Yang ZJ*. 2011. Molecular Cytogenetic Characterization of a new wheat-Secale africanum 2Ra(2D) substitution line for resistant to stripe rust. Journal of Genetics 90(2): 283-287. Jia J, Li GR, Zhang T, Liu C, Lei MP, Yang ZJ*. 2011. Characterization of wheat yellow rust resistance gene Yr17 using EST-SSR and rice syntenic region. Cereal Research Communications 39(1): 88-99. Tang ZX, Yang ZJ, Fu SL, Yang MY, Li GR, Zhang HQ, Tan FQ, Ren ZL*. 2011. A new long terminal repeat (LTR) sequence allows to identify J genome from JS and St genomes of Thinopyrum intermedium. Journal of Applied Genetics 52(1): 31-33. Wang X, Zhang T, Wen Z, Xiao H*, Yang Z, Chen G, Huang C, Chen C, Zhao X. 2011. Chromosome number, karyotype and genome size of the desert plant Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. Plant Cell Reports 30(6): 955964  


    1988.9 -- 1992.7
    四川农业大学       农学作物专业       大学本科毕业       农学学士学位

    1992.9 -- 1995.7
    四川农业大学       作物遗传育种学       硕士研究生毕业       农学硕士学位

    1995.9 -- 1999.7
    四川农业大学       作物遗传育种学       博士研究生毕业       农学博士学位


    2004.7 -- 至今

    电子科技大学生命科学与技术学院      教授

    1995.7 -- 2004.6

    四川农业大学小麦研究所      副教授






