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20. Luhan Ye†, Weiqiang Lv†, Yiwu Mao, Pengfei Yan and Weidong He*. An electrochemical device for the Knudsen and bulk diffusivity measurement in the anodes of solid oxide fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(27): 5057–15062. (†These two co-first authors contributed equally to this work.)


Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-12-12

Pre One:15. Weiqiang Lv, Na Feng, Weirong Huo, Yinghua Niu, Siyuan Wang, Xiaoning Wang, Yachun Liang, Gaolong Zhu, Weidong He*. Advanced oxygen-sensing for accurate gas diffusivity measurement in fuel cells. ChemElectroChem, 2015, 2(6), 819-823.

Next One:21. Yinghua Niu†, Weiqiang Lv†, Xingzhi Zhou, Weirong Huo, Luhan Ye, Weidong He. Gas leak diffusion induced polarization in submicro/nanoscale non-tight electrolytes of solid oxide fuel cells. RSC Advances. 2016, 67(6), 62052-62061.