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57. Tianhui Ma, Chunhui Yang*, Ying Xie, Liang Sun, Weiqiang Lv, Rui Wang, Chongqiang Zhu, Meng Wang. Electronic and Optical Properties of Orthorhombic LiInS2 and LiInSe2: A Density Functional Theory Investigation. Computational Materials Science, 2009, 47(1): 99-105.


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Pre One:58. Xiaohong Wu, Wei Qin*, Bo Cui, Zhaohua Jiang, Weiqiang Lu, Weidong He. White Anodized Thermal Control Coating on LY12 Aluminum Alloy. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2008, 200 (1-3): 405-409

Next One:56. Tianhui Ma, Chunhui Yang*, Ying Xie, Liang Sun, Weiqiang Lv, Rui Wang, Yulan Ren. First-principles Calculations of the Structural, Elastic, Electronic and Optical Properties of Orthorhombic LiGaS2 and LiGaSe2. Physica B-condensed matter. 2010, 405(1):363-368.