2014.9 to 2016.10
Northwestern Univerisity | Materials science and engineering | PhD Student
2010.9 to 2016.12
Univeristy of Electronic Science and Technology | Optical engineering | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study | Doctor of Engineering
2006.9 to 2010.6
Nankai University | Physics | With Certificate of Graduation for Undergraduate Study | 理学学士学位
2022.11 to Now
School of Automation Engineering | University of Electronic Science and Techonolgy of China
2021.6 to Now
School of Automation Engineering | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
2018.9 to 2021.5
Department of Chemistry | Northwestern Univeristy
2017.2 to 2018.8
Department of Chemistry | Northwestern University
Next-generation optoelectronics and their sensors
Flexible, stretchable electronics
Thin-film transistors based on organic and metal oxide materials
Advanced Li-ion Batteries
Organic light-emitting diodes, organic and Perovskite solar cells