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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctor of Engineering
Date of Employment:2009-06-30
Discipline:Physical Electronics

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Personal Profile

HU Min

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), PhD, Professor.

Education and Work Experience:

1999.09-2003.06: Undergraduate, Zhejiang University;

2003.09-2009.06: PhD, UESTC;

2009.06-present: Professor, UESTC;

2011.09-2012.09: Postdoctoral, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.

Academic Titles:

Head of the Terahertz Science Research Center, UESTC

Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, China

Key member of the Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, China

Key member of the Collaborative Innovation Center of Sichuan Province, China

Brief Introduction of Academic Work:

Engage in the work of new terahertz radiation sources and applications of terahertz science and technology. Hosted and undertaken several national terahertz projects, including the "973" project of the Key Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, surface projects and youth funds. Published 90+ SCI papers including the Physical Review Letters, Carbon, Photonics Research and other academic journals, delivered various presentations in academic conferences and served as session chairs. Organized the annual National Conference on Terahertz Science and Technology, the Terahertz Section of the National Conference on Laser Technology and Optoelectronics as the conference chairman and executive chairman, and chaired the program committee of the 46th International Conference on Infrared Millimeter Wave Terahertz. Firstly establish the course of "Introduction to Terahertz Science and Technology" for undergraduate and postgraduate students since 2012, and has taught nearly 500 students for seven years.

Research Fields:

Mainly focus on fundamental research at the terahertz frontier, the development of terahertz radiation sources, and the development of terahertz applications.

Fundamental research: Propose the use of free electrons combined with surface plasmon excitations to generate electromagnetic radiation and the theoretical results were published in Physical Review Letters and highly evaluated by Nature Physics. Further proposed the development direction of terahertz quantum electromagnetism recently.

Device development: Propose a miniaturized vacuum electronics device based on Smith-Purcell super radiation, and proposed the development of a diffractive radiation device based on the Smith-Purcell super radiation mechanism generated by double electron injection and sub-wavelength hole array structure, the double electron injection greatly reduces the starting current of the device through structural coupling, and improves the interaction efficiency. The relevant devices can reach 500 mW output power at 0.3 THz to meet the requirements of terahertz applications. The research results were published in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.

Terahertz applications: Successfully implemented the terahertz near-field microscopy system THz-SNOM, which is the first international terahertz near-field imaging system based on vacuum electronics. Effectively solved the problem of signal-to-noise ratio in terahertz near-field systems and successfully achieved terahertz imaging with 20nm resolution, which has been applied in several biomedical scenarios such as virus observation and dental demineralization.

Educational Experience

  • 2003.9 -- 2009.6

    University of Electronic Science and Technology of       等离子体物理       With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study       Doctor of Engineering

Research Focus

  • Mainly focus on fundamental research at the terahertz frontier, the development of terahertz radiation sources, and the development of terahertz applications.
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