Liao Yongbo
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Affilication of Author(s): 电子科技大学

Patent desc: 一种新型DRAM集成电路的结构,涉及集成电路技术和半导体技术。本发明是基于一种新型的纵向柱状TMOS器件结构,最下层为N+掺杂衬底和N‑外延层作为漏极,中间是P外延层作为栅极沟道,最上方是N+锗硅外延层作为源极。柱状结构的外圈被氧化层包围,其中三面覆盖多晶硅层作为栅极,剩下一面覆盖金属层与MOS管的漏极形成电容。多晶硅上有一个引线孔,接字线。锗硅层上是另一个引线孔,接位线。本发明所要解决的关键技术问题是:提供一种DRAM结构,提供一种新型DRAM集成电路的结构,实现器件的小面积、高电流密度、低导通电...

State of Patent: 授权

Authorization number: ZL201911306287.X

Service Invention or Not: no

Application Date: 2019-12-18

Authorization Date: 2022-12-06

Publication Date: 2020-02-21

Personal information

Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Education Level : With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Degree : Doctor of Engineering

Status : On the job

Date of Employment : 1999-07-01

Discipline:Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics

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