Professional Activities
2021-11-14 Hits:1、Associate Editor: 《Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications》 (SCI Impact Factor: 0.456,CCF认定C类SCI国际期刊), Nov. 2013-present;
2、Lead Guest Editor: 《Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications》Special Issue on Security and Privacy of P2P Networks in Emerging Smart City, submission deadline: Dec. 2013;
3、Selected Areas in Communications Symposium Co-Chair: Proceedings of Globecom2015(IEEE通信学会两大年会之一);
4、PC Member: Infocom2016、Infocom2015、Infocom2014(CCF认定A类国际会议);The first International Workshop of Secure Networking and Forensic Computing conjunction with ICC 2014;The 2013 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP2013);The 8th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; The 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks;
5、Reviewer: IEEE Communications Magazine、IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing、IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems、Information Sciences、IET Communications、Computer Communications(Elsevier)、Journal of Security and Communication Networks (Wiley)、Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics(Elsevier)、Journal of Communications and Networks 、KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems、International Journal of Communication Systems、软件学报、计算机学报;
6、Membership: IEEE、IEEE Communication Society、IEEE Computer Society、China Computer Federationr、China Association for Cryptologic Research。
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