• English

  • 电子科技大学


IEEE Fellow,国家重大人才工程特聘教授(2019),IEEE通信学会安全分会副主席(中国大陆首位任职该分会的学者)、IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Lecturer、教育部数据安全治理学科创新引智基地负责人、科技部十四五“网络空间安全治理”重点专项专家组成员、国家自然科学基金委员会会议评审专家、四川省学术和技术带头人、四川省青年科技创新团队带头人、四川省数据安全与隐私保护工程技术研究中心主任、中国密码学会密码应用工作委员会专委会委员、中国保密协会隐私保护专业委员会专委会委员、中国计算机学会物联网专业委员会专委会委员、中国计算机学会区块链专业委员会专委会委员、中国自动化学会边缘计算专业委员会专...


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Useful Links

发布时间:2017-07-20 点击次数:


•Bibliography on Secure Vehicular Communications

•Bibliography on Secure E-Healthcare Systems

•Bibliography for network coding

•Public Safety Communications Bibligraphy

•A Wireless Sensor Networks Bibliography

•Aline BAGGIO’s Bibliography on Mobile Computing

•Provably-Secure Key Establishment Protocol Lounge

•The Pairing-Based Crypto Lounge

•Bibliography on Digital Signatures

•Bibliography on Fair Exchange and Non-Repudiation

•Bibliography on Non-Repudiation

•Bibliography on Password-based Cryptography

•Group Protocol Attacks

•The Block Cipher Lounge

•The Block Cipher Lounge – AES

•The Hashing Function Lounge

•The Side Channel Cryptanalysis Lounge

•The Security Protocols Open Repository

•Anonymity Bibliography

•Anonymous and Pseudonymous communications and systems Bibliography

•Annotated Bibliography Papers on Electronic Business

•Bibliography for older crypto papers

•Bibliography on Authentication Codes

•Bibliography on Secret Sharing Schemes

•Bibliography of Quantum Cryptography

•Cryptology pointers

•Cryptography Pointers

•E – Commerce Bibliography

•Paulo Barreto’s Crypto Page

•Signcryption Central

 Online Resources

•University of Waterloo Library

•Quest – Student Information System at the University of Waterloo

•EDAS Conference Manager

•ISI Web of Knowledge



•Lecture Notes in Computer Science

•ScienceDirect (Elsevier)



•BibFinder A Computer Science Bibliography Mediator


•Getting Started With ns2

•NS by Example

•The Network Simulator – ns-2

•NS2 Network Simulator

•Network Simulator 2 for Wireless

•The Java Network Simulator

•Rapid Generation of Realistic Simulation for VANET


•Chinese Calendar

•Chengdu Weather

•Broadband Communications Research (BBCR) Group Meeting