李雄 (教授)

教授 博士生导师










李雄,电子科技大学教授、博士生导师入选国家青年人才和四川省青年人才、科睿唯安全球高被引科学家、爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。主要研究方向为数据安全、隐私计算、云与边缘计算安全、人工智能安全等。主持国家级和省部级项目10余项,参与国家级和省部级项目多项,荣获湖南省科技进步二等奖和中国电子学会科技进步二等奖, 荣获2019年度中国网络安全与信息产业金智奖 “十大金智人物奖”。在国内外学术期刊和会议上发表论文200余篇,其中在IEEE系列期刊、CCF AB类期刊、SCI 一二区期刊发表论文100余篇,第一作者论文荣获2020年IEEE系统委员会会刊IEEE Systems Journal最佳论文奖 (获奖比例1%),荣获2020年度和2015年度Journal of Network and Computer Applications最佳研究论文奖 (获奖比例均低于1/300),Google Scholar被引13000余次, H指数64。担任Telecommunication Systems等4个SCI期刊的编辑, 担任10余个SCI期刊的特邀编辑,担任多个国际会议的TPC Member,担任30余个SCI期刊及多个国内核心期刊的审稿人。


  1. 泛在共享环境下多方隐私计算关键技术研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 62332018, 2024.1-2028.12, 第二。

  2. 面向边缘计算隐私保护的关键技术研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 62072078, 2021.1-2024.12。

  3. 面向联邦学习的安全与隐私保护技术研究, 四川省自然科学基金, 2022NSFSC0550, 2022.1-2023.12。

  4. 面向大数据的数据安全与隐私计算技术研究, 综合业务网理论及关键技术国家重点实验室开放课题, ISN23-24, 2022.1-2023.12。

  5. 基于OpenHarmony ArkUI技术的数字人民币支付瘦设备研发, 深圳市科技重大专项计划, KJZD20231023092900002, 2024.01-2025.12, 第二。

  6. 面向V2G的数据加密与主动防护技术研究, 横向, 2023.12-2025.08。

  7. 适应电动汽车车网互动及智能量测场景安全监测技术研究, 横向, 2022.12-2024.10。

  8. 水电工业控制系统安全实物仿真测试验证和实训平台建设, 横向, 2022.12-2023.07。

  9. 基于量子密码学的电网智能量测体系安全架构及保护策略研究, 横向, 2022.11-2024.11。

  10. 多能互联不完全信息电网的可靠性运行机理及关键技术研究, 国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项, 2019YFE0118700, 2020.12-2023.11, 参与。

  11. 云存储系统中数据安全关键理论与技术研究, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 61300220, 2014.1-2016.12。

  12. 隐私保护的多模态隐式认证协议研究, 湖南省教育厅科学研究重点项目, 18A178, 2018.9-2021.12。

  13. 面向移动医疗网络的安全与隐私保护关键技术研究, 湖南省自然科学基金, 2018JJ3191, 2018.6-2020.5。

  14. 云存储应用中可证明数据持有方案研究, 湖南省教育厅科学研究优秀青年项目, 16B089, 2016.7-2018.12。

  15. 移动医疗系统中数据安全与隐私保护方案研究, 网络与交换技术国家重点实验室开放课题, SKLNST-2018-1-12, 2018.6-2020.6。

  16. 云计算环境下多因素认证协议的研究与设计, 中国博士后科学基金第八批特别资助, 2015T80035, 2015.7-2016.7。

  17. 两类具有匿名特性身份认证协议的研究, 中国博士后科学基金第55批面上项目, 2014M550590, 2014.5-2016.7。

  18. 云存储环境下身份认证与安全数据共享方案的研究, 软件开发环境国家重点实验室开放课题, SKLSDE-2014KF-02, 2014.1-2016.1。


  1. 荣获2022年湖南省科技进步奖二等奖 (2/8), 2024年6月。

  2. 荣获2023年中国电子学会科技进步奖二等奖 (7/15), 2024年3月。

  3. 荣获IEEE MASS 2023 Best Paper Runner-up Award, 2023年9月。

  4. 入选2020-2023年爱思唯尔中国高被引学者, 爱思唯尔, 2020-2023。

  5. 荣获2020年度Journal of Network and Computer Applications最佳研究论文奖, Elsevier JNCA期刊编辑部, 2021年9月。

  6. 入选2019-2020年科睿唯安全球高被引科学家, 科睿唯安, 2019-2020。

  7. 荣获2020年度IEEE Systems Journal最佳论文奖 (获奖比例1%), IEEE系统委员会, 2020年3月。

  8. 荣获2019年中国网络安全与信息产业金智奖 “十大金智人物奖”, 2020年3月。

  9. 入选2016年度湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师培养对象, 湖南省教育厅, 2016年11月-2020年11月。

  10. 荣获2015年度Journal of Network and Computer Applications最佳研究论文奖, Elsevier JNCA期刊编辑部, 2015年12月。

Google Scholar主页:https://scholar.google.com.hk/citations?hl=en&user=oRaABLcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate


  1. Yubo Peng, Xiong Li*, Ke Gu, Jinjun Chen, Sajal K. Das, Xiaosong Zhang. Achieving Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Reverse Skyline Query over Single Cloud, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2024, to appear.

  2. 黄可, 张小松, 李雄等主编. 区块链安全协议设计与分析, 清华大学出版社, 2025.

  3. Ke Gu, Yiming Zuo, Zheng Yang, Jingjing Tan, Bo Yin, Xiong Li*. Dual-Layered Model Protection Scheme against Backdoor Attacks in Fog Computing-Based Federated Learning, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024, to appear.

  4. Buqing Cao, Shanpeng Liu*, Xiang Xie, Jianxun Liu, Min Shi, Xiong Li. Grapeseed: Generative Split-learning for Privacy Preserving Sequential Recommendation in Vehicular Cloud-Powered Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024, to appear.

  5. Jialin Guo, Zhetao Li, Anfeng Liu, Xiong Li, Ting Chen. REC-Fed: A Robust and Efficient Clustered Federated System for Dynamic Edge Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, to appear.

  6. Zisang Xu, Hao Peng, Ke Gu, Xiong Li, and Peng Huang. An Energy Efficient Access and Handover Authentication Scheme for 6G Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Network, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, to appear.

  7. Zhuoqun Xia, Jiahuan Man, Ke Gu, Xiong Li, Longfei Huang. Conditional Data-Sharing Privacy-Preserving Scheme in Blockchain-based Social Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, to appear.

  8. 张文琪, 李雄*, 尹智明, 梁伟, 黄可, 张小松. 鲁棒的前后向隐私联合对称可搜索加密方案, 软件学报, 2024, 录用.

  9. Fan Wu, Xiong Li*, Jingwei Li, Pandi Vijayakumar, Brij B. Gupta, Varsha Arya. HSADR: A new highly secure aggregation and dropout-resilient federated learning scheme for radio access networks with edge computing systems, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, to appear.

  10. Shanpeng Liu, Buqing Cao*, Jianxun Liu, Guosheng Kang, Min Shi, Xiong Li, Kenneth K. Fletcher. An Approach for Privacy-aware Mobile App Package Recommendation, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024, to appear.

  11. Ke Gu, Yi Wang, Juan Qiu, Xiong Li*, Jianming Zhang*. Blockchain-Based Data Deduplication and Distributed Audit for Shared Data in Cloud-Fog Computing-Based VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024, to appear.

  12. Zisang Xu, Ruirui Zhang, Wei Liang, Kuan-Ching Li, Ke Gu, Xiong Li*, Jialun Huang*. A Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Protocol for Internet of Vehicles with Federated Learning, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024, to appear.

  13. Yongjian Fu, Yongzhao Zhang, Hao Pan, Yu Lu, Xinyi Li, Lili Chen, Ju Ren, Xiong Li, Xiaosong Zhang, Yaoxue Zhang. Pushing the Limits of Acoustic Spatial Perception via Incident Angle Encoding, ACM UBICOMP 24: The 2024 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computingto appear, 2024.

  14. 商帅, 李雄*, 张文琪, 汪小芬, 李哲涛, 张小松. 高效的隐私保护多方多数据排序, 计算机学报, 2024, 47(8): 1832-1852.

  15. Jiao Zhang, Xiong Li*, Wei Liang, P Vijayakumar, Fayez Alqahtani, Amr Tolba. Two-Phase Sparsification with Secure Aggregation for Privacy-Aware Federated Learning, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, to appear, 2024.

  16. Miao Liao, Hongliang Tang, Xiong Li*, Vijayakumar Pandi, Varsha Arya, Brij B. Gupta. A Lightweight Network for Abdominal Multi-organ Segmentation Based on Multi-scale Context Fusion and Dual Self-attention, Information Fusion, to appear, 2024.

  17. Muhammad Asad Saleem, Xiong Li*, Khalid Mahmood, Salman Shamshad, Muhammad Faizan Ayub, Ashok Kumar Das. A Cost-efficient Anonymous Authenticated and Key Agreement Scheme for V2I-based Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, to appear, 2024.

  18. Miao Liao, Yan Lu, Xiong Li*, Shuanhu Di, Wei Liang, Victor Chang*. An unsupervised image dehazing method using patch-line and fuzzy clustering-line priors, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, to appear, 2024.

  19. Muhammad Asad Saleem, Xiong Li*, Khalid Mahmood*, Zahid Ghaffar, Tayyaba Tariq, Ashok Kumar Das. Secure RFID-assisted Authentication Protocol for Vehicular Cloud Computing Environment, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, to appear, 2024.

  20. Wei Liang, Siqi Xie, Kuan-Ching Li, Xiong Li, Xiaoyan Kui, Albert Y. Zomaya. MC-DSC: A Dynamic Secure Resource Configuration Scheme based on Medical Consortium Blockchain, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, to appear, 2024.

  21. Ke Gu, XingQiang Wang, Xiong Li*. Dynamic Outsourced Data Audit Scheme for Merkle Hash Grid-Based Fog Storage with Privacy-Preserving, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, to appear, 2024.

  22. 黄可, 李雄*, 袁晟, 刘星宇, 张小松. 区块链中的公钥密码: 设计、分析、密评与展望, 计算机学报, 2024, 47(3): 491-524.

  23. Ranran Wang, Yin Zhang, Wenchao Wang, Xiong Li, Min Chen. Predicting Multi-Scale Information Diffusion via Minimal Substitution Neural Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2024, to appear, 2023.

  24. Ying Xie, Ke Huang, Sheng Yuan, Xiong Li, Fagen Li. Versatile Remote Data Checking Scheme for Cloud-Assisted Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, to appear, 2023.

  25. Songyou Xie, Lijun Xiao, Dezhi Han, Kun Xie, Xiong Li, Wei Liang. HCVC: A High-Capacity Off-Chain Virtual Channel Scheme Based on Bidirectional Locking Mechanism, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, to appear, 2023.

  26. Jiao Zhang, Xiong Li*, Ke Gu, Wei Liang, Kuanching Li. Secure Aggregation in Heterogeneous Federated Learning for Digital Ecosystems, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, to appear, 2023.

  27. Yuanfei Li, Xiong Li*, Xiangyang Luo, Zhetao Li, Hongwei Li, Xiaosong Zhang. AnotherMe: A Location Privacy Protection System based on Online Virtual Trajectory Generation, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, to appear, 2023.

  28. Muhammad Asad Saleem, Xiong Li*, Khalid Mahmood*, Salman Shamshad, Muhammad Faizan Ayub, Ali Kashif Bashir, Marwan Omar. Provably Secure Conditional-Privacy Access Control Protocol for Intelligent Customers-centric Communication in VANET, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, to appear, 2023.

  29. Muhammad Faizan Ayub, Xiong Li*, Khalid Mahmood*, Salman Shamshad, Muhammad Asad Saleem, Marwan Omar. Secure Consumer-Centric Demand Response Management in Resilient Smart Grid as Industry 5.0 Application with Blockchain-based Authentication, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, to appear, 2023.

  30. Shuai Shang, Xiong Li*, Ke Gu, Lei Li, Xiaosong Zhang, Pandi Vijayakumar*. A Robust Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Scheme for Edge-supported IIoT, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, to appear, 2023.

  31. Hui Wang, Yong Xie, Yining Liu, Xiong Li, Phuntsog Dorje. Data Verifiable Personalized Access Control Electronic Healthcare Record Sharing based on Blockchain in IoT environment, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, to appear, 2023.

  32. Jiahong Cai, Wei Liang, Xiong Li, Kuan-Ching Li, Zhenwen Gui, Muhammad Khurram Khan. GTxChain: A Secure IoT Smart Blockchain Architecture Based on GNN, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, to appear, 2023.

  33. Zhuoqun Xia, Dan Yin, Ke Gu, Xiong Li. Privacy-Preserving Electricity Data Classification Scheme Based on CNN Model with Fully Homomorphism, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, to appear, 2023.

  34. Ke Huang, Yi Mu, Fatemeh Rezaeibagha, Xiaosong Zhang, Xiong Li. Monero with Multi-Grained Redaction. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, to appear, 2023.

  35. Ke Gu, Wenbin Zhang, Xingqiang Wang, Xiong Li, WeiJia Jia. Dual Attribute-Based Auditing Scheme for Fog Computing-Based Data Dynamic Storage with Distributed Collaborative Verification, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, to appear, 2023.

  36. Muhammad Asad Saleem, Xiong Li*, Muhammad Faizan Ayub, Salman Shamshad, Fan Wu and Haider Abbas. An Efficient and Physically Secure Privacy-Preserving Key-Agreement Protocol for Vehicular Ad-hoc Network, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, 24(9): 9940 - 9951. 

  37. Weina Niu, Yihang Wang, Xingyu Liu, Ran Yan, Xiong Li, Xiaosong Zhang. GCDroid: Android Malware Detection Based on Graph Compression with Reachability Relationship Extraction for IoT Devices. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, 10(13): 11343-11356.

  38. Xiong Li, Shuai Shang, Shanpeng Liu, Ke Gu, Mian Ahmad Jan, Xiaosong Zhang, Fazullah Khan. An Identity-based Data Integrity Auditing Scheme for Cloud-based Maritime Transportation Systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023, 24(2): 2556-2567.

  39. Ying Xie, Xiaohui Liu, Mohammad S. Oaidat, Xiong Li*, Pandi Vijayakumar. Nondeterministic Evaluation Mechanism for User Recruitment in Mobile Crowd-Sensing. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 2023, 19(2), No.34, 1-18.

  40. Dan Tang, Xiyin Wang, Xiong Li*, Pandi Vijayakumar, Neeraj Kumar. AKN-FGD: Adaptive Kohonen Network based Fine-grained Detection of LDoS Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023, 20(1): 273-287.

  41. Shuanhu Di, Yuqian Zhao, Miao Liao, Fan Zhang, Xiong Li. TD-Net: A Hybrid End-to-end Network for Automatic Liver Tumor Segmentation from CT Images. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023, 27(3): 1163-1172.

  42. Zhuoqun Xia, Lingxuan Zeng, Ke Gu, Xiong Li, Weijia Jia. Conditional Identity Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme under Fog Computing-Based IoVs, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2022, 22(4): article 107, 1-28.

  43. Xiong Li, Tian Liu, Chaoyang Chen, Qingfeng Cheng, Xiaosong Zhang, Neeraj Kumar. A Lightweight Verifiable Access Control Scheme with Constant Size Ciphertext in Edge Computing Assisted IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(19): 19227-19237.

  44. Rui Guo, Kemeng Li, Xiong Li, Yinghui Zhang, Xuelei Li. Compact Multiple Attribute-Based Signatures with Key Aggregation and its Application. IEEE Systems Journal, 2022, 16(2): 3025-3035.

  45. Ruijin Wang, Jinshan Lai, Zhiyang Zhang, Xiong Li, Pandi Vijayakumar, Marimuthu Karuppiah. Privacy-preserving federated learning for internet of medical things under edge computing. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 2022, 27(2): 854-865.

  46. Shuai Shang, Xiong Li*, Rongxing Lu, Jianwei Niu, Xiaosong Zhang, Mohsen Guizani*. A Privacy-Preserving Multi-Dimensional Range Query Scheme for Edge-Supported Industrial IoT. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(16): 15285-15296.

  47. Xiong Li, Shanpeng Liu, Rongxing Lu, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Ke Gu, Xiaosong Zhang. An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing Protocol for Cloud-based Medical Storage System. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2022, 26(5): 2020-2031.

  48. Ke Gu, XinYing Dong, Xiong Li, WeiJia Jia. Cluster-Based Malicious Node Detection for False Downstream Data in Fog Computing-Based VANETs. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022, 9(3), 1245-1263.

  49. Yazhi Liu, Qianqian Wu, Jianwei Niu, Xiong Li, Zheng Song. Imitation Learning based Heavy-hitter Scheduling Scheme in Software-Defined Industrial Networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(6): 4254-4264.

  50. Yazhi Liu, Sihan Wang, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Xiong Li*, Pandi Vijayakumar. Service Chain Caching and Workload Scheduling in Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Systems Journal, 2022, 16(3): 4389-4400.

  51. Zhuoqun Xia, Yichao Zhang, Ke Gu, Xiong Li, WeiJia Jia. Secure Multi-Dimensional and Multi-Angle Electricity Data Aggregation Scheme for Fog Computing-Based Smart Metering System. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022, 6(1): 313-328.

  52. Ke Gu, Wenbin Zhang, Xiong Li, Weijia Jia. Self-Verifiable Attribute-Based Keyword Search Scheme for Distributed Data Storage in Fog Computing with Fast Decryption. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2022, 19(1): 271-288.

  53. Ke Gu, Keming Wang, Xiong Li, Weijia Jia. Multi-Fogs-Based Traceable Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Identity in Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, 23(8): 12544-12561.

  54. Xiong Li, Jiabei He, P. Vijayakumar, Xiaosong Zhang, Victor Chang. A Verifiable Privacy-preserving Machine Learning Prediction Scheme for Edge-enhanced HCPSs, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(8): 5494-5503.

  55. Wei Liang, Songyou Xie, Dafang Zhang, Xiong Li, Kuan-Ching Li. A mutual security authentication method for RFID-PUF circuit based on deep learning. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2022, Vol. 22, No. 2., pp. 1-20.

  56. Xiong Li, Shanpeng Liu, Rongxin Lu, Xiaosong Zhang. On Security of an Identity-Based Dynamic Data Auditing Protocol for Big Data Storage. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2021, 7(6): 975-977.

  57. Xiong Li, Jiawei Tan, Anfeng Liu, Pandi Vijayakumar, Neeraj Kumar, Mamoun Alazab. A Novel UAV-enabled Data Collection Scheme for Intelligent Transportation System through UAV Speed Control. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 22(4): 2100-2110.

  58. Jangirala Srinivas, Ashok Kumar Das, Xiong Li, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Minho Jo. Designing Anonymous Signature-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme for Internet of Things-Enabled Smart Grid Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(7): 4425-4436.

  59. Zhuoqun Xia, Jingjing Tan, Ke Gu, Xiong Li, WeiJia Jia. IDS Intelligent Configuration Scheme Against Advanced Adaptive Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021, 8(2): 995-1008.

  60. Fan Wu, Xiong Li*, Lili Xu, Pandi Vijayakumar, Neeraj Kumar*. A novel three-factor authentication protocol for wireless sensor networks with IoT notion, IEEE Systems Journal, 2021, 15(1): 1120-1129.

  61. Xiong Li, Tian Liu, Mohammad Obaidat, Fan Wu, Pandi Vijayakumar, Neeraj Kumar.  A Lightweight Privacy-preserving Authentication Protocol for VANETs. IEEE Systems Journal, 2020, 14(3): 3547-3557.

  62. Xiong Li, Shanpeng Liu, Rongxing Lu. Comments on "A Public Auditing Protocol with Novel Dynamic Structure for Cloud Data". IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2020, 15: 2881-2883.

  63. Xiong Li, Jieyao Peng, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Fan Wu, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Chaoyang Chen. A Secure Three-factor User Authentication Protocol with Forward Secrecy for Wireless Medical Sensor Network Systems. IEEE Systems Journal, 2020, 14(1): 39-50.

  64. Xiong Li, Shanpeng Liu, Fan Wu, Saru Kumari, Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues. Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Scheme for Mobile Edge Computing Assisted IoT Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(3): 4755-4763.

  65. Xiong Li, Jianwei Niu, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Fan Wu, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari. A Robust ECC-based Provable Secure Authentication Protocol with Privacy Preserving for Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2018, 14(8): 3599-3609.

  66. Azeem Irshad, Shehzad Ashraf Chaudhry, Muhammad Sher, Bander A. Alzahrani, Saru Kumari, Xiong Li, Fan Wu. An anonymous and efficient multiserver authenticated key agreement with offline registration centre. IEEE Systems Journal, 2018, 13(1): 436-446.

  67. Xiong Li, Jieyao Peng, Jianwei Niu, Fan Wu, Junguo Liao, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo. A Robust and Energy Efficient Authentication Protocol for Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, 5(3): 1606-1615.

  68. Fan Wu, Lili Xu, Xiong Li, Saru Kumari, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Mohammad S. Obaidat. A lightweight and provably secure key agreement system for a smart grid with elliptic curve cryptography. IEEE Systems Journal, 2018, 13(3): 2830-2838.

  69. Fan Wu, Xiong Li*, Lili Xu, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues. Authentication protocol for distributed cloud computing circumstance with IoT-enabled devices, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2018, 7(6): 38-44. 


  1. 2024年 “华为杯” 第三届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛 (揭榜挑战赛) 一等奖, 荣获优秀指导教师, 2024年11月。

  2. 2024年 “华为杯” 第三届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛 (创意作品赛) 一等奖, 荣获优秀指导教师, 2024年11月。

  3. 2024年 “华为杯” 第三届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛 (实网对抗赛) 二等奖, 2024年11月。

  4. 2024年 “华为杯” 第三届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛 (实网对抗赛) 三等奖, 2024年11月。

  5. 2024年ACM成都分会优秀研究生 (硕士) 论文奖, 2024年9月。

  6. 2024年中国高校计算机大赛第九届网络技术挑战赛总决赛三等奖, 2024年9月。

  7. 2024年第十七全国大学生信息安全竞赛 (作品赛) 二等奖 2 项, 2024年8月。

  8. 2023年 “华为杯” 第二届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛 (实网对抗赛) 二等奖, 2023年11月。

  9. 2023年第七届“蓝帽杯”全国大学生网络安全技能大赛一等奖, 荣获杰出指导老师, 2023年10月。

  10. 2023年四川省大学生信息安全技术大赛一等奖, 荣获优秀指导教师, 2023年10月。

  11. 2023年第十六全国大学生信息安全竞赛 (作品赛) 二等奖 2 项, 2023年8月。

  12. 2023年第6届全国研究生信息安全与对抗技术竞赛一等奖, 2023年7月。

  13. 2023年首届“盘古石杯” 全国电子数据取证大赛 (电子数据取证技能赛) 二等奖2项, 荣获优秀指导老师, 2023年5月。

  14. 2022年“华为杯” 第一届中国研究生网络安全创新大赛 (创意作品) 三等奖, 2022年11月。

  15. 2022年四川省大学生信息安全技术大赛一等奖, 荣获优秀指导教师, 2022年11月。

  16. 2022年第十五届全国大学生信息安全竞赛 (作品赛) 二等奖, 2022年8月。

  17. 2021年全国大学生软件测试大赛总决赛 (Web安全测试个人赛) 三等奖, 2021年11月。

  18. 2018年第一届全国绿色计算大赛 (项目挑战赛) 团体一等奖, 2018年11月。

  19. 2018年湖南省第十一届研究生创新论坛 “物联网与人工智能新技术”分论坛一等奖, 2018年11月。

  20. 2017年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目, 教育部, 2017年-2019年。

  21. 2014年湖南省第十届大学生计算机程序设计大赛应用开发类竞赛二等奖, 2014年10月。

  22. 2014年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目, 教育部, 2014年-2016年。



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