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Jamel Ben Romdhane Hajri

发布时间:2019-08-12 点击次数:

Educational experience 

BSc. Electrical Engineering-High School of Technology and IT, University of Carthage- Tunisia. August 2002- June 2006 .

MSc. Analyze and Digital Processing of the ElectronicSystems Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences - University of Tunis El Manar- Tunisia. September 2009- July 2011.

PhD. Electronic Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences - University of Tunis El Manar - Tunisia. September 2011 - July 2016.

Journal Papers

[1] J. Ben Romdhan Hajri, H. Hrizi, & N. Sboui "Accurate and efficient study of substrate-integrated waveguide devices using iterative wave method", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 1-7.

[2] J. Ben Romdhan Hajri, H.Hrizi, N.Sboui, "Analysis of SIW components with DGS technique by a new iterative approach", International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics Mechanics, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 155-166, 2016.

[3] N.D. Sboui, J. Ben Romdhan Hajri, and H. Baudrand, "Analysis of a vertical interconnection access by using longitudinal wave concept iteratve process (LWCIP)," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 44, 21-30, 2015

[4] J. Ben Romdhan Hajri, H.Hrizi, N.Sboui, "Efficient Study of Substrate Integrated waveguide Devices", International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:9, No:2, 2015.

[5] J. Ben Romdhan Hajri, H.Hrizi, N.Sboui, "Efficient and Fast Study of Arbitrarily Shaped Substrate Integrated Waveguide SIW Devices with the Iterative Method WCIP", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562,Volume 10, Number 13 (2015) pp 33408-33414.

Connference Papers

[1] J. Ben Romdhan Hajri,, H.Hrizi, N.Sboui, "Study of microwave circuit with metallic via-hole", World Symposium on Computer Applications & Research (WSCAR'2014), Sousse 2014.

[2] J. Ben Romdhan Hajri, H.Hrizi, N.Sboui, "New iterative Method for periodicity defect problems application: structures SIW", Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en physique, Tunis, 2014.

[3] J. Ben Romdhan Hajri, H.Hrizi, N.Sboui, "Efficient Study of Substrate Integrated waveguide Devices", International Conf. on Advanced Materials (ICAM'2015), Jeddah-Saudi Arabia, 2015.

[4] J. Ben Romdhan Hajri,S.Ghnimi, N. Sboui,'Design of SIW iris-coupled-cavity band-pass filter circuit using wave concept iterative process method‘, SETIT 2016,IEEE.

[5] S. Ghnimi,J. Ben Romdhan Hajri,F. Harrathi and A. Gharsallah, "Statistical study on the effect of the use of mobile phone technology on human body health",Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering'2016

Book Chapter

[1] J. Ben Romdhan Hajri, N. Sboui, Modélisation des circuits SIW par la méthode WCIP ' Edition Européenne, ISBN : 978-3-8417-2851-7

Motto: Are those who know equal to those who do not know!?  Knowledge makes people humble.  Arrogance makes people ignorant

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