杨刚 (教授)

教授 博士生导师

曾获荣誉:[1] 国家级青年人才(2022)
[2] 四川省自然科学一等奖(排名2,2022)
[3] 中国通信学会科学技术一等奖(排名3,2022)
[4] IEEE通信学会Stephen O. Rice奖(国际顶刊IEEE Transactions on Communications年度唯一最佳论文奖,排名1,2021)
[5] 校百人计划入选者(2021)
[6] 校星火计划入选者(2017)
[7] IEEE通信学会TAOS最佳论文奖(排名1,2016)
[8] 国家优秀自费留学生奖(2015)











杨刚,电子科技大学,通信抗干扰全国重点实验室、(深圳)高等研究院,教授,博士生导师, 国家级青年人才




成果奖励: 1) 国家级青年人才(2022);2)四川省自然科学一等奖(2022);3)中国通信学会科学技术一等奖(2022);4) IEEE通信学会Stephen O. Rice奖(国际顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Communications年度唯一最佳论文奖,2021,第一获奖人); 5)华为技术有限公司技术合作成果转化奖;6) 电子科技大学百人计划入选者(2021); 7) 电子科技大学基础研究星火计划入选者(2017); 8)电子科技大学学术新人奖(2018);9)电子科技大学基础研究“星火计划”入选者(2017);10) IEEE通信学会TAOS技术委员会最佳论文奖 (2016);11) 国家优秀自费留学生奖 (2015,国家留学基金委颁发)。

期刊任职1)物联网领域权威SCI期刊IEEE Internet of Things Journal(影响因子:10.6,中科院一区Top期刊)6G万物互联通信感知一体化(Integrated Sensing and Communications for 6G IoE)专刊首席编辑;2)通信领域顶级期刊IEEE Communications Letter(影响因子:4.1,JCR二区期刊)编辑;3)国际著名期刊IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society(影响因子:7.9)副编辑;4)著名期刊China Communications(4.10,JCR二区期刊)编辑;5)曾担任《电子与信息学报》“面向6G零功耗物联网的反向散射通信”专题编委。

会议任职:1)国际通信领域旗舰会议IEEE GLOBECOMM 2024(开普敦,南非,12.8‐12, 2024)物联网与传感器网络研讨会(IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium)主席;2)任国际通信领域旗舰会议IEEE GLOBECOMM 2017组委会媒体及宣传共同主席;3)著名国际会议IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China 2019高谱效高能效物联网环境反向散射通信(Workshop on Ambient Backscatter Communications for Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient IoT Networks)研讨会首席主席;3)国际会议IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems 2018特别专题主席。

特邀报告:1)应邀参加中国通信标准化学会无线通信工作委员会全会及移动通信无源物联技术研讨会(北京,2023.11.30),并做特邀报告“无源物联网反向散射通信关键技术与验证系统”;2)应邀参加IMT-2030(6G)推进组需求组第十一次全会(杭州,2023.06),并做特邀报告“极低功耗通信研究进展及发展方向”;3)应邀参加IMT-2030(6G)推进组6G研讨会(北京,2021.09)零功耗通信分会,并作特邀报告“面向未来物联网的零功耗智能共生反向散射通信”;4)应邀在国际会议IEEE International Conference Communications Technology 2021上做特邀报告“Intelligent Reflecting Empowered Wireless Communications”。



[2024.07-11]  博士生刘俊论文“RIS Empowered Near-Field Covert Communications”在IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications(中科院SCI一区)接收

[2024.05-14]  联合指导学生论文Joint Range-Velocity-Azimuth Estimation for OFDM-Based Integrated Sensing and Communication在IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications中科院SCI一区发表

[2024.02-28]  博士生刘俊论文“Max-Min Fairness in RIS-assisted Anti-Jamming Communications: Optimization versus Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches”在IEEE Transactions on Communications中科院SCI二区发表

[2023.04-01] 学生罗智奕论文“Non-coherent Parallel Detection of Ambient Backscatter Communications with Multiple Tags”在IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 中科院SCI二区发表

[2022.06-11]  学生廖雅婷入职中兴通讯“蓝剑计划”(应届毕业生最高入职等级)

[2022.09-28] 杨老师作为Leading Chair,组织国际会议研讨会IEEE VTC 2022-Fall Second Workshop on Symbiotic Radio Paradigm for Integrated Active and Passive Communication

[2021.10-11]  学生廖雅婷获得国家奖学金,并被评选为四川省优秀毕业生,祝贺!!

[2021.10-21]  杨老师参加国际学术会议IEEE International Conference on Communications Technology (ICCT),并做特邀报告“Intelligent Reflecting Empowered Wireless Communications”(天津,2021.10);

[2021.09-08]  杨老师参加国内学术会议IMT-2030(6G)推进组6G研讨会,并作特邀报告“面向未来物联网的智能共生反向散射通信”(北京,2021.09);

[2021.06-10]  杨老师获得IEEE通信学会Stephen O. Rice奖(通信领域国际顶级期刊IEEE Transactions On Communications 年度最佳论文奖,从最近3年共1677篇期刊论文中遴选出的唯一一篇),排名第1

[2021.05-10] 杨老师作为Leading Chair,组织国际会议研讨会IEEE VTC 2021 Workshop on Symbiotic Radio Paradigm for Integrated Active and Passive Communication

[2020.10-08]  学生袁冬冬获得国家奖学金,祝贺!!

[2021-05-06]杨老师担任IEEE Communications Letter(二区)编辑

[2020-12-03]杨老师担任IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society副编辑

[2019.08.11] 杨老师在IEEE International Conference on Communications in China 国际大会上组织专题研讨会(Workshop),主题为“Ambient Backscatter Communications for Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient IoT Networks,欢迎踊跃投稿! 网址: https://iccc2019.ieee-iccc.org/program-workshops-w16/.

[2018.06.03] 杨老师在IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) (December, 2018, Chengdu, China) 国际大会上组织特别专题(Special Session),主题为“Big data and AI enabled Wireless Communications: Opportunities, Technologies and Applications”,欢迎踊跃投稿! 网址: http://www.ieee-iccs.org/test_site/home.html

[2018.05.24] 学生魏涛和徐新月通过严格遴选,将于2018年8月受学校全额资助赴英国牛津大学进行访学,祝贺!!!

[2018.04.20] 杨老师任国际大会IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) (December, 2018, Chengdu, China) 组委会Local Arrangement Co-Chair.

[2017.05.25] 杨老师任国际通信领域旗舰会议IEEE GLOBECOMM (December, 2017, Singapore) 组委会Publicity Co-chair.                

部分期刊论文:[Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-MMSELsAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN]


[1]  Jun Liu, Gang Yang*, Ying-Chang Liang and Chau Yuen, "Max-Min Fairness in RIS-assisted Anti-Jamming Communications: Optimization versus Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3371359.

[2]  Zelin Hu, Qibin Ye, Yixuan Huang, Su Hu* and Gang Yang*, "Joint Range-Velocity-Azimuth Estimation for OFDM-Based Integrated Sensing and Communication," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, doi: 10.1109/TWC.2024.3397312.

[3]  Ning Jin, Gang Yang*, Ying-Chang Liang, Songbo Fu and Xiaodong Chen, "Joint Beamforming and Backscatter Communication Design for Symbiotic Radio Networks," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 22, pp. 19441-19453, 15 Nov.15, 2023, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3246101.

[4]  Weiwei Wu, Di Lin*, Su Hu and Gang Yang, "Secure IoU in Adversarial Environments: User Authentication and Performance Optimization," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 9, pp. 12154-12166, Sept. 2023.

[5]  Gang Yang*, Zhiyi Luo, Ning Jin, Ying-Chang Liang, Yongjun Xu and Gongpu Wang, "Non-Coherent Parallel Detection of Ambient Backscatter Communications With Multiple Tags," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 5344-5349, April 2023, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3222005.

[6]  Ying-Chang Liang*, Qianqian Zhang, Jun Wang, Ruizhe Long, Hu Zhou, Gang Yang, “Backscatter Communication Assisted by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces”, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 110, no. 9, pp. 1339-1357, Sept. 2022.


[1]  Gang Yang*, Yating Liao, Ying-Chang Liang, Olav Tirkkonen, Gongpu Wang, and Xing Zhu, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Empowered Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 7790-7805, Nov. 2021.

[2]  Gang Yang*, Tao Wei and Ying-Chang Liang, "Joint Hybrid and Passive Beamforming for Millimeter Wave Symbiotic Radio Systems," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 2294-2298, Oct. 2021.

[3]  Xinyue Xu, Ying-Chang Liang*, Gang Yang, and Lian Zhao, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Empowered Symbiotic Radio over Broadcasting Signals," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 7003-7016, Oct. 2021.

[4]  Linsong Du, Shihai Shao*, Gang Yang*, Jianhui Ma, Qingpeng Liang and Youxi Tang, "Capacity Characterization for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Assisted Multiple-Antenna Multicast," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 6940-6953, Oct. 2021.

[5]  Gang Yang*, Xinyue Xu, Ying-Chang Liang, Macro Di Renzo, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications(ESI高被引论文,中科院JCR大类一区期刊,引用349次), vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 3137-3151, May 2021.

[6]  Gang Yang*, Rao Dai, Ying-Chang Liang, "Energy-Efficient UAV Backscatter Communication With Joint Trajectory Design and Resource Optimization," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (ESI高被引论文,中科院JCR大类一区期刊,引用129次), vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 926-941, Feb. 2021.

[7]  Hao Chen, Gang Yang*, and Ying-Chang Liang, "Joint Active and Passive Beamforming for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Enhanced Symbiotic Radio System," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 1056-1060, May 2021.


  • [1]  Ruizhe Long, Ying-Chang Liang*, Huayan Guo, Gang Yang and Rui Zhang, "Symbiotic Radio: A New Communication Paradigm for Passive Internet of Things," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal (中科院JCR大类一区期刊), vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1350-1363, Feb. 2020.

  • [2]  Gang Yang*, Xinyue Xu and Ying-Chang Liang, "Resource Allocation in NOMA-Enhanced Backscatter Communication Networks for Wireless Powered IoT," in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (中科院JCR大类二区期刊), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 117-120, Jan. 2020.

  • [3] Gang Yang, Dongdong Yuan, and Ying-Chang Liang. Optimal Resource Allocation in Full-Duplex Ambient Backscatter Communication Networks for Wireless-Powered IoT. IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal (中科院JCR大类一区期刊). 2018.

  • [4] Gang Yang, Qianqian Zhang, and Ying-Chang Liang.Cooperative Ambient Backscatter Communications for Green Internet-of-Things.IEEE Internet-of-Things Journal (ESI高被引论文,中科院JCR大类一区期刊引用341次).2018,5 (2):1116 - 1130

  • [5] Gang Yang, Ying-Chang Liang, Rui Zhang, and Yiyang.Modulation in the air: backscatter communication over ambient OFDM carrier.IEEE Transactions on Communications (获得IEEE通信学会Stephen O. Rice奖,入选ESI高被引论文中科院JCR大类一区期刊,引用285次).2018,66 (3):1219-1233

  • [6] Gang Yang, Mohammad R. V. Moghadam, and Rui Zhang.Magnetic MIMO signal processing and optimization for wireless power transfer,.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (中科院JCR大类一区期刊).2017,65 (11):2860-2874

  • [7] Gang Yang, Chin Keong Ho, and Yong Liang Guan.Multi-antenna Wireless Energy Transfer in Backscatter Communication Systems.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (中科院JCR大类一区期刊引用158次).2015,33 (12):2974-2987

  • [8] Gang Yang, Chin Keong Ho, Rui Zhang, and Yong Lian.Throughput Optimization for Massive MIMO Systems Powered by Wireless Energy Transfer.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (ESI高被引论文,中科院JCR大类一区期刊,通信领域影响因子最高技术期刊, 引用411次)..2015,33 (8):1640-1650

  • [9] Gang Yang, Chin Keong Ho, and Yong Liang Guan.Dynamic Resource Allocation for Multiple-Antenna Wireless Power Transfer.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (中科院JCR大类一区期刊,信号处理及通信领域国际顶级期刊,引用150次).2014,62 (14):3565-3577

  • [10] Gang Yang, Vincent Y. F. Tan, C. K. Ho, S. H. Ting.Wireless Compressive Sensing for Energy Harvesting Sensor Nodes.IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (中科院JCR大类一区期刊,信号处理及通信领域顶级期刊).2013,61 (18):4491-4505


[1]  Jun Liu, Zhiyi Luo, Gang Yang, Ying-Chang Liang, Interference-Cancellation Transceiver Design for Long-Range Multistatic Backscatter Communications [C], 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2022.

[2]  Ning Jin, Fanyi Shu, Jun Liu, Gang Yang, Ying-Chang Liang, Xiaodong Chen, “Channel Estimation for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Wireless Communications via Structured Sparse Bayesian Learning,” IEEE VTC Fall 2022.

[3]  Ning Jin, Yating Liao, Gang Yang, Ying-Chang Liang, Xiaodong Chen, “Energy-Efficient UAV Communication via aerial RIS: Joint Trajectory Design and Resource Optimization,” IEEE VTC Fall 2022.

[4]    Fanyi Shu, Gang Yang, and Ying-Chang Liang, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Enhanced Symbiotic Radio over Multicasting Signals,” IEEE VTC Spring 2021.

[5]   Gang Yang, Yating Liao, Ying-Chang Liang and Olav Tirkkonen, "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Empowered Underlaying Device-to-Device Communication,"  IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2021.

        [6] Gang Yang, Xinyue Xu, Ying-Chang Liang, Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020.

        [7]   Gang Yang, Rao Dai, Ying-Chang Liang, Energy-Efficient UAV Backscatter Communication with Joint Trajectory and Resource Optimization, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2019.

        [8]   Gang Yang, Dongdong Yuan, Ying-Chang Liang, Optimal Resource Allocation for Full-Duplex Ambient Backscatter Communication Networks for Green IoT, IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2018.

        [9]    Gang Yang, Jiapeng Zhang, Ying-Chang Liang, Optimal Beamforming in Cooperative Cognitive Backscatter Networks for Wireless-Powered IoT, IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems, 2018.

        [10]   Ruizhe Long, Gang Yang, Yiyang Pei, Rui Zhang, Transmit Beamforming for Cooperative Ambient Backscatter Communication Systems, GLOBECOM, 2017.

        [11] Gang Yang , Ying-Chang Liang, and Qianqian Zhang.Cooperative Receiver for Ambient Backscatter Communications with Multiple Antennas.IEEE International Conference on Communciations (ICC).2017 :1-6

        [12] Gang Yang and Ying-Chang Liang.Backscatter Communications Over Ambient OFDM Signals: Transceiver Design and Performance Analysis.IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (IEEE通信学会TAOS最佳论文奖,IEEE ComSoc TAOS Best Paper Award).2016 :1-6.



电子科技大学  |  通信工程  |  工学学士学位  |  大学本科毕业


电子科技大学  |  通信与信息系统  |  工学硕士学位  |  硕士研究生毕业


南洋理工大学  |  通信工程  |  工学博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业


台湾清华大学  |  通信工程
导师:王晋良教授 (IEEE Fellow),硕士交换生



电子科技大学通信抗干扰重点实验室  |  专任教师、副教授


新加坡国立大学  |  电子与计算机工程学院


  • [1]   5G-Advanced/6G无源物联网反向散射通信、6G通信感知一体化、6G近场无线通信、智能超表面通信、通信信号处理。

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