3. Tengjiao Wang, Jingbo Tan, Wenbo Ding, Yanru Zhang, Fang Yang*, Jian Song, Zhu Han, “Inter-Community Detection Scheme for Social Internet of Things: A Compressive Sensing Over Graphs Approach,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT), Early Access, May 2018.
上一条: 2. Duy H. N. Nguyen, Yanru Zhang, and Zhu Han, “Contract-Based Spectrum Allocation for Wireless Virtualized Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2018.
下一条: 4. Yanru Zhang, Yunan Gu, Miao Pan, Nguyen H. Tran, Zaher Dawy, and Zhu Han, “Multi-Dimensional Incentive Mechanism in Mobile Crowdsourcing with Moral Hazard,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), no. 3, vol. 17, pp. 604-616, Mar. 2018.