Paper Publications
- [1] 董乐 , E. Izquierdo , Q. Zhang , X. Cao , X. Wu , G. Kong , M. Mao , L. He , L. Dong , and L. Dong , CUNet: A compact unsupervised network for image classification, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. PP, no. 99, Dec 2017.
- [2] 董乐 , E. Izquierdo , X. Cao , Q. Zhang , L. He , X. Chen , R. Wang , L. Dong , and L. Dong , ADORE: An Adaptive Holons Representation Framework for Human Pose Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. PP, no. 99,
- [3] 董乐 , E. Izquierdo , X. Cao , Q. Zhang , G. Kong , Y. Liang , L. Dong , and L. Dong , Holons Visual Representation for Image Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 18, no. 4, Mar 2016.
- [4] 董乐 , Q. Zhang , L. He , L. Dong , and L. Dong , Discriminative light unsupervised learning network for image representation and classification, Proceeding of ACM International Conference on Multimedia,
- [5] 董乐 , Z. Xu , N. Lv , S. Xie , L. Dong , Y. Liang , and Y. Liang , Compact Feature Based Clustering for Large-scale Image Retrieval
- [6] 董乐 , E. Izquierdo , J. Su , L. Dong , and L. Dong , Scene-oriented Hierarchical Classification of Blurry and Noisy Images, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 21, no. 5, Feb 2012.
- [7] M. Lee , S. W. Ban , L. Dong , and L. Dong , Biologically Inspired Selective Attention Model Using Human Interest, International Journal of Information Technology,
- [8] E. Izquierdo , E. Izquierdo , L. Dong , and L. Dong , Global-to-local oriented perception on blurry visual informationDec 2008.
- [9] E. Izquierdo , E. Izquierdo , L. Dong , and L. Dong , A knowledge structuring technique for image classification, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,