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常征教授长期从事无线网络智能化研究,主要的研究领域包括边缘计算,通算融合网络,绿色通信等。曾于2018年获得全欧洲唯一的IEEE通信学会欧洲地区最佳青年学者奖和2021年获得IEEE通信学会多媒体通信技术委员会杰出青年学者奖。近年发表期刊与会议论文200多篇,其中多篇关于边缘计算的文章入选ESI高被引论文。在2023年获得IEEE通信领域旗舰会议 ICC最佳论文奖,在2017年以第一作者发表在IEEE Globecom的文章荣获绿色通信与计算领域的最佳论文奖,还荣获 IEEE 亚太地区通信年会最佳论文奖。常征教授多次作为组织者(Symposium chair和Publicity chair)参与无线领域顶级会议IEEE ICC, Globecom和Infocom的组织工作,并多次在IEEE Globecom和WCNC等会议上组织国际研讨会。近2年来主要论文如下,


  • [1] J. Liu, Zheng Chang, K. Wang, Z. Zhao and T. Hamalainen, “Energy-Efficient and  Privacy-Preserved Incentive Mechanism for Mobile Edge Computing-Assisted Federated Learning in Healthcare System,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service  Management, 2024,doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2024.3414417.

  • [2] X. Zhang, W. Chen, H. Zhao, Zheng Chang, and Z. Han, “Joint Accuracy and Latency Optimization for Quantized Federated Learning in Vehicular Networks,”IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3406531.

  • [3] X. Qiang, Y. Hu, Zheng Chang, and T. Hamalainen, “Importance-aware data selec tion and resource allocation for hierarchical federated edge learning,” Future Gener ation Computer Systems, vol. 154, no. 35-44, 2024.

  • [4] R. Xu, Zheng Chang, X. Zhang, and T. Hamalainen, “Blockchain-Based Resource Trading in Multi-UAV Edge Computing System,”IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 21559-21573, June 2024

  • [5] X. Zhang, J. Liu, T. Hu, Z. Chang, Y. Zhang and G. Min, ”Federated Learning Assisted Vehicular Edge Computing: Architecture and Research Directions,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 18, no. 4, pp.75-84, 2023

  • [6] X. Zhang, Zheng Chang, T. Hu, W. Chen, X. Zhang and G. Min, “Vehicle Selection and Resource Allocation for Federated Learning-Assisted Vehicular Network,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 3817-3829, May 2024.

  • [7] Y. Chen, Zheng Chang, G. Min, S. Mao and T. T. Hamalainen, “Joint Optimization of Sensing and Computation for Status Update in Mobile Edge Computing Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 11, Nov. 2023.

  • [8] Y. Liu, Zheng Chang, G. Min, and S. Mao, “Average Age of Information in Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing System,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letter, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 1585-1589, Aug. 2022.


  • [1]Y. Bai, H. Zhao, X. Zhang, Zheng Chang, R. Jantti and K. Yang, “Towards Au tonomous Multi-UAV Wireless Network: A Survey of Reinforcement Learning-Based Approaches,” IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 25, no. 4, fourth quarter 2023,

  • [2] B. Guo, Zheng Chang et al,  “Network Slicing Strategy for Real-time Appli cations in Large-Scale Satellite Networks with Heterogeneous Transceivers,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2024. 

  • [3] J. Lai, Zheng Chang, et al ” Enabling High-Throughput Routing for LEO Satellite Broadband Networks: A Flow-Centric Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.

  • [4] Z. Wang, Y. Cao, Zheng Chang, T. Lv, and W. Ni, “Energy efficiency maximiza tion in UAV communication networks with nonlinear energy harvesting,” Computer Networks, 2024.

  • [5] X. Zhang, Zheng Chang, G. Min and T. H¨ am¨ al¨ ainen, “AoI-Energy Tradeoff for Data Collection in UAV-Assisted Wireless Networks ,” IEEE Transactions on Communi cations, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 1849-1861, March 2024.

  • [6] X. Chen, Zheng Chang, M. Liu, N. Zhao, T. H¨ am¨ al¨ ainen and D. Niyato, “UAV-IRS Assisted Covert Communication: Introducing Uncertainty via Phase Shifting,”IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 103-107, Jan. 2024.

  • [7] X. Chen, N. Zhao, Zheng Chang, T. Hamalainen, X. Wang, “UAV-Aided Secure Short-Packet Data Collection and Transmission,” IEEE Transactions on Communi cations, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 2475-2486, April 2023.

  • [8] J. Xie, Zheng Chang, X. Guo, and T. Hamalainen, “Energy Efficient Resource Al location for Wireless Powered UAV Wireless Communication System with Short Packet,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol.7, no.1, Jan. 2023.

  • [9] Zheng Chang, H. Deng, G. Min, and T. Hamalainen, “Trajectory Design and Re source Allocation for Multi-UAV Networks: Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 2940 2951, 2023.

  • [10] Y. Yuan, L. Lei, T.X. Vu, Zheng Chang, S. Chatzinotas, and S. Sun, “Adapting to Dynamic LEO-B5G Systems: Meta-Critic Learning Based Efficient Resource Scheduling,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 11, Nov. 2022.

  • [11] B. Wang, Zheng Chang, S. Li and T. Hamalainen, “An Efficient and Privacy Preserving Blockchain-based Authentication Scheme for Low Earth Orbit Satellite assisted Internet of Things,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Sys tems, accepted, vol. 58, no. 6, 2022.


  • [1] Z. Feng, B. Wang, Zheng Chang, T. Hamalainen, Y. Zhao and F. Hu, “Joint Active and Passive Beamforming for Vehicle Localization With Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024, doi:  10.1109/TITS.2024.3408315

  • [2] Z. Li, F. Hu, Q. Li, Z. Ling, Zheng Chang and T. Hamalainen, “AoI-Aware Waveform Design for Cooperative Joint Radar-Communications Systems with Online Prediction of Radar Target Property,”IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2024 doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3392748

  • [3] J. Yang, B. Wang, Zheng Chang, Y. Zhao, Z. Feng, and F. Hu, “Joint Trajectory Planning and Transmit Resource Optimization for Multi-Target Tracking in Multi UAV-Enabled MIMO Radar System,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transporta tion Systems, 2024.

  • [4] C. Jin, Zheng Chang, F. Hu, H. Chen and T. Hamalainen, “Enhanced Physical Layer  Security for Full-duplex Symbiotic Radio with AN Generation and Forward Noise Suppression,”IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3364991.

  • [5] M. Luan, Zheng Chang, B. Wang, Y. Zhao, L. Zhuang and F. Hu, “Robust Resource Allocation for RIS-aided Multi-User Simultaneous Localization and Communication System,” IEEE TITS, 2023.

  • [6] M. Luan, B. Wang, Zheng Chang, T. Hamalainen, and F. Hu, “Robust Beamforming Design for RIS-Aided Integrated Sensing and Communication System,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 6227-6243, June 2023

所有论文列表如下 https://chang1106.github.io/changzheng.github.io/assets/ZhengChang_Publicationlist.pdf

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 无线网络,无线通信,边缘计算,智能网络,车联网