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团队有关一种低剖面低散射超宽带曲面阵列天线研究成果在IEEE TAP期刊上发表
发布时间:2022-12-30 点击次数:
论文名称为“Ultra-wideband, low-profile and low-RCS conformal phased array with capacitance-integrated balun and multi-functional meta-surface”。该天线主要应用于S、C、X、Ku频段(2~18 GHz)多功能一体化电磁战平台,其剖面高度低于0.057λlow,辐射效率大于80%,弯曲半径小于180 mm,且具备波束±60°大空域覆盖、大于31 dB极化纯度和最大21 dB(平均不小于8 dB)的电磁散射缩减能力。通过在超宽带天线设计中引入横向、纵向自由维度,凭借容感互补、横纵融合与横纵编码等关键技术,该成果可降低同类工作剖面高度27%、提升辐射效率10%以上。该研究成果解决了超宽带相控阵天线领域中带宽、剖面、共形、覆盖、极化与散射性能兼顾提升的技术难题,获第十七届“挑战杯”竞赛“揭榜挂帅”专项赛特等奖。工作的主要完成人孙建旭、程钰间、吴亚飞、樊勇。
Abstract— In this article, a 2–18 GHz phased array antenna 2 with low-profile, low radar cross section, (RCS) and cylindrically 3 conformal shape is presented. To achieve 9:1 impedance band4 width with extra-low profile, the distributed capacitance structure 5 is added into the feeding balun instead of the traditional shorting 6 strips for the resonance suppression. This structure can avoid 7 introducing the parasitic loop-mode, the elimination of which 8 generally increases the antenna profile based on existing meth9 ods. Furthermore, to improve the impedance matching without 10 prominently increasing the antenna profile, a triply-layer folded 11 meta-surface (MS) is designed and enables the wide-scanning 12 capacity for the proposed antenna. In addition, by etching the orthogonally polarized slots on the folded MS, the 0◦/180◦ 13 14 reflection phase for the orthogonal-polarized incident wave can be 15 achieved. The etched slots are tightly and periodically located to improve the bandwidth of 0◦/180◦ 16 reflection phase and maintain 17 the impedance matching. When an incident wave with the 18 orthogonal polarization arrives at the array, an ultrawideband 19 RCS reduction can be achieved and the radiating performance 20 is maintained, owning to the multifunctional MS without lossy 21 loads. A 19 × 19 prototype array is fabricated and measured to 22 validate the correctness of this design. Finally, the proposed array 23 antenna achieves the working band of 2–18 GHz and low profile 24 together with the wide-scanning and low-RCS performance.
Index Terms— Cylindrically conformal antenna, low profile, 26 low radar cross section (RCS), meta-surface (MS), phased array 27 antenna, ultrawideband (UWB) antenna, wide-scanning.