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团队有关一种基于近场方向图综合、具有最高辐射功率效率的阵馈波束扫描反射面天线设计方法研究成果在IEEE TAP期刊上发表

发布时间:2022-12-30   点击次数:

论文名称为“Design for array-fed beam-scanning reflector antennas with maximum radiated power efficiency based on near-field pattern synthesis by support vector machine”。在现有的阵馈反射面天线笔状扫描波束的综合方法中,共轭场匹配法是最常用的一种。虽然它可以综合得到最高的辐射效率,但由于焦区场的聚焦特性,它只能得到强锥削的馈电功率分布。这将导致功率放大器工作在低效率状态,在系统功耗一定的情况下导致EIRP的下降。针对这一问题,本工作将辐射效率和功率放大器效率相结合,定义为辐射功率效率并作为新的综合目标以提高EIRP。为此,本工作提出了一种基于近场方向图综合的阵馈反射面天线设计方法。在此方法中,所有开启的功率放大器都被要求工作在最高效率状态。为了将所导致的辐射效率损失最小化,功率放大器的开闭状态被调整以实现馈源阵近场方向图对代表了最高辐射效率的目标焦区场的较好综合。此综合过程由支持向量机完成。数值结果表明,本工作将阵馈反射面天线的辐射功率效率由共轭场匹配法的6%提升至28%,对应于4.7倍的EIRP提升。在相同的信噪比要求下,可使天线的通信或者监测距离变为原来的2.2倍。工作主要完成人:牟伦位、程钰间、吴亚飞、赵明华、杨海宁。


Abstract—The maximum radiation efficiency can be obtained when the feed array excitation of a reflector antenna is synthesized by the conjugate field matching (CFM) method. However, the CFM method can only get the strongly tapered feeding power distribution. This will lead to most of power amplifiers (PAs) working in low efficiency states and reduce the Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) with the limited power consumption. In this work, combining the radiation efficiency and the PA efficiency, the radiated power efficiency (RPE) is defined as the new design goal and is to be raised to achieve higher EIRP. For this reason, a method based on the near-field pattern synthesis is proposed. In this method, all the on-state PAs are required to work in the highest efficiency state. Then, with well-trained support vector machine (SVM), the on-off states of the PAs are adjusted so that the reflected focal field can be better synthesized by the near-field pattern of the feed array. Thus, the loss of the radiation efficiency is minimized. As a result, the RPE is about 22% higher than that of the CFM method and about 10% higher than that of the optimum CFM truncation case.

Index Terms—Array-fed reflector antenna, near-field pattern synthesis, radiated power efficiency (RPE), support vector machine (SVM).