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团队有关一种具有提高扫描性能的自校准网络的相控阵天线应用成果在IEEE AWPL期刊上发表
发布时间:2023-12-26 点击次数:
论文名称“Phased Array Antenna With Self-Calibration Network and Improved Scanning Performance”。自校准网络广泛应用于有源相控阵的在线监测校准。为了校准包括天线辐射单元在内的整个链路,自校准网络需要设计在天线单元间。然而,相控阵天线一般在宽角扫描的过程中,会由于表面波的影响导致扫描性能下降,此时需要在天线单元间采用加载功能结构的方式来提高扫描性能。自校准网络与提高扫描性能的结构需要同时占据单元间的空间,两者不能简单的叠加放置。本文针对相控阵天线需要同时具有自校准网络和提高扫描性能结构的问题,将提高扫描性能的SIW背腔结构和用于自校准的微带耦合器结构融合,使自校准网络复用为去耦结构,设计了结构简单,具有提高扫描性能的自校准网络。工作主要完成人:肖玥,樊勇,程钰间。
Abstract—In this letter, a phased array antenna with a self-calibration network and improved scanning performance is proposed. For the online calibration, the phased array antenna requires a self-calibration network, which occupies the space between the antenna elements. Besides, the coupling suppression structure for improving the scanning performance of the phased array also needs to be placed between antenna elements. To place these two structures with different functions at the same time, it is a good method to reuse the self-calibration network as the coupling suppression structure. In this letter, one side of metallic vias of the substrate integrated waveguide cavity to suppress the element coupling is replaced by a coupling microstrip line. Such a hybrid structure can not only realize the online calibration function but also improve the scanning performance of the phased array. Moreover, to reduce the dynamic range of the coupling coefficient between the antenna element and the coupling end of the self-calibration network, reactance regulator blocks are employed on the coupling microstrip line. The coupling coefficient is between −17.2 and −24.5 dB in the operating frequency band from 15 to 17 GHz. With the self-calibration network, the gain of the 8 × 8 patch antenna is increased by 1.95 dB, and the sidelobe level is decreased by about 4.20 dB when scanning at −50° in the E-plane.
Index Terms—Self-calibration network, phased array antenna, structure reuse.