- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:四川大学
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:工学博士学位
- 在职信息:在职人员
- 所在单位:集成电路科学与工程学院(示范性微电子学院)
- 办公地点:微固楼414室 地址:610054 成都市建设北路二段四号 微固学院楼414室
- 联系方式:b24c8260afae935f6fd2cc6fea64794253ef0eea0633a2937b4f01f7ca54b09e5666d4cce93e827048bf0891a5728e78f95115b3992500baf664ade5dab6d963b736c69d6ba1fb5563a8d337c3e0e4352ce5e1881038201d2618b97245f4a4b2a30ac2489247ab0a512f31c98e3f6329c056eaf46907bd893fb16583a64de6f1
- 电子邮箱:622e0c86bee5e0489ee4a92b162e6a91c359afc0b5bbd93171fd09dfb63fcddc241b7cbe9f5e53e09e1be4a766b352cae148001e8e33bd994f3a2ae4ac4a958f3d79b4e70ce555dd57abaf164516895c2a161c3c8848dae4318884fa20431b3a97f128db09b4cfe234ef679c018ee05fe2f334781b0ecaa5f8a03d8969723ee5
M. Ziese
and Y. F. Chen,
Intrinsic spin filtering in a La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 / Nb (1.0%): SrTiO3 junction.
P. Esquinazi,
M. Ziese,
and Y. F. Chen,
Magnetotransport properties of Fe3O4-La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 junctions.
M. Ziese,
D. Spoddig,
and Y. F. Chen,
Epitaxial thin film ZnFe2O4 a semil-transparent semiconductor with high Curie temperature.
O. G. Schmidt,
R. Kaltofen,
J. I. M?nch,
A. Malachias,
Y. F. Mei,
and Y. F. Chen,
Photoresist-buffer-enhanced antiferromagnetic coupling and GMR of Co/Cu multilayers
Z. H. Cheng,
G. J. Wang,
J. R. Sun,
F. X. Hu,
B. G. Shen,
F. Wang,
and Y. F. Chen,
Magnetic properties and magnetic entropy change of LaFe11.5Si1.5Hy interstitial compounds.
B. G.,
J.R. Sun,
G. J Wang,
Y. F. Chen,
J Zhang,
and F. Wang,
Spin-glass behavior in La(Fe1-xMnx) 11.4Si1.6 compounds.
M. Ziese
and Y. F. Chen,
Magneto- and Electroresistance of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/Nb(1.0%):SrTiO3 Junctions
J. Freudenberger et al.,
M. McCord,
and Y. F. Chen,
Effects of strain on magnetic and transport properties of Co films on plastic substrates.
J. R. Sun,
G. J. Wang,
B. G. Shen,
F. Wang,
and Y. F. Chen,
Magnetism and magnetic entropy change of LaFe11.6Si1.4Cx (x=0~0.6) interstitial compounds.
B. G. Shen et al.,
F. Wang,
and Y. F. Chen,
Magnetic properties and magnetic entropy change of LaFe11.5Si1.5Cy interstitial compounds.
M. Ziese
and Y. F. Chen,
Interface capacitance of La0.8Ca0.2MnO3/Nb:SrTiO3 junctions
M. Ziese
and Y. F. Chen,
Nonlinear transport properties of La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 and Fe3O4 in extreme Joule heating regime.
B. G Shen.,
Y. F. Chen,
S. Y. Zhang,
T. Y. Zhao,
C. M. Xiong,
and J. R. Sun,
Effects of magnetic field on the manganite-based bilayer junction.
P. W. Huang et al.,
Y. F. Chen,
and H. T. Lin,
Enhancement of exchange coupling between GaMnAs and IrMn with selforganized Mn(Ga)As at the interface
M. Ziese
and Y. F. Chen,
Spin filter in LSMO/CoFe2O4/Nb(0.5%):SrTiO3 heterostructures
P. Esquinazi,
M. Ziese,
and Y. F. Chen,
Bistable resistance state induced by Joule self-heating in manganites: a general phenomenon.
P. Esquinazi,
M. Ziese,
and Y. F. Chen,
Joule-heating-enhanced colossal magnetoresistance in La0.8Ca0.2MnO3 films.
J. J. Kai.,
F. R. Chen,
R. T. Huang,
T. S. Chin,
W. N. Lee ,
J. H. Huang,
and Y. F. Chen,
Room-temperature ferromagnetism in self-assembled (In, Mn)As quantum dots.
Y. F. Chen et al.,
S. Kiravittaya,
C. Deneke,
D. J. Thurmer,
and Y. F. Mei,
Fabrication, self-assembly, and properties of ultrathin AlN/GaN porous crystalline nanomembranes: tubes, spirals, and curved sheets
R. Kaltofen et al.,
Y. F. Mei,
and Y. F. Chen,
Toward flexible magnetoelectronics: Buffer-enhanced and mechanically tunable GMR of Co/Cu multilayers on plastic substrates.