
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:中国科学院长春光机所
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:工学博士学位
- 在职信息:在职人员
- 所在单位:物理学院
- 入职时间: 2008-07-01
- 学科:光学
- 办公地点:清水河校区#4科研楼(物理学院)514房间
- 联系方式:8135d4f204521c12210ff1242f385ac78186a14d836fbd8f4b10e722a342834ccc9305b4b45b0e039788bc947e6e534f0cc8e4db1f2a4fd0b60a6d1253782f4302ee19002e19be503068d605ecb2393d837e1c7bb171bd661e0bcb7aed0da0556008a3a5014553e4a9f171b9934df4c10397056f0383b5a604494cedd58c7ecf
- 电子邮箱:8135d4f204521c12210ff1242f385ac78186a14d836fbd8f4b10e722a342834ccc9305b4b45b0e039788bc947e6e534f0cc8e4db1f2a4fd0b60a6d1253782f4302ee19002e19be503068d605ecb2393d837e1c7bb171bd661e0bcb7aed0da0556008a3a5014553e4a9f171b9934df4c10397056f0383b5a604494cedd58c7ecf
Xiuli Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Zhenghao Li, Zongrui Deng, Shiyong Wang, Surface Plasmon Polaritons-based Nanophotonic Directional Coupler. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, 7(2), 264-268 (2010).
Xiuli Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Wang Shi-Yong , Peng An-Jing, Cai Zhong-Heng, Funnel-shaped arrays of metal nano-cylinders for nano-focusing, Chinese Physics Letters 25 (9), 3296-3299 (2008).
Xiuli Zhou, Yongqi Fu, K. Li, S. Wang, Z. Cai, Coupling mode-based nanophotonic circuit device, Applied Physics B, 91(2), 373-376 (2008).
Yongqi Fu, Metallic nanoparticles-based biochip with multi-channel for immunoassay, Journal of Biochips & Tissue Chips, 4(1), 108 (2014).
Yongqi Fu, Yu Liu, Xiuli Zhou, Zong Weixu, Fengzhou Fang, Experimental demonstration of focusing and lasing of plasmonic lens with chirped circular slits, Optics Express 18 (4), 3438–3443 (2010).
Yongqi Fu, Rakesh G. Mote, Qian Wang, Wei Zhou, Experimental study of plasmonic structures with variant periods for superfocusing: analyses of characterization errors, Journal of Modern Optics, 56 (14), 1550-1556 (2009).
Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Plasmonic lenses: A review, Plasmonics 5 (3), 287-310 (2010).
Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Shaoli Zhu, Ultra-enhanced lasing effect of plasmonic lens structured with elliptical nano-pinholes distributed in variant period. Plasmonics 5 (2), 111-116 (2010).
Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Modulation of main lobe for superfocusing using subwavelength metallic heterostructures, Plasmonics, 4(2), 141-146 (2009).
Yongqi Fu, Shaoli Zhu, Xiuli Zhou, Wei Zhou, and Wei Zhao, Rhombic silver nanoparticles array-based plasmonic filter, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol.25, No.19, 2557–2566 (2011).
Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lennie E.N. Lim, Chunlei Du, Haofei Shi, Changtao Wang, Geometrical characterization issues of plasmonic nanostructures with depth-tuned grooves for beam shaping. Optical Engineering. 45(10), 108001 (17 October 2006).
Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Wei Zhao, Elongated focal length for imaging of plasmonic photon sieves at near-field, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences 6(3), 610–616 (2009).
Yongqi Fu, Xiuli Zhou, Wei Zhao, Unique beaming properties of plasmonic zone plate-like metallic structures, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 6(3), 617–624 (2009).
Yongqi Fu, Yong Yang, Recent development of plasmonic metallic subwavelength structures: A review, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences 6(7), 1412-1429 (2009).
Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lennie E N Lim, Chunlei Du, A practical V-shaped nano-aperture flanked with surface corrugations for beam focusing. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. Vol.4, No.3, 614-618 (May 2007).
Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Hybrid Au-Ag subwavelength metallic structures with variant periods for superfocusing, Journal of Nanophotonics Vol. 3, 033504 (22 June 2009).
Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lim Enk Ng Lennie, Chunlei Du, Xiangang Luo, et al., Investigation of propagation properties of plasmonic nanostructures with nonparaxial Gaussian beam illumination. Journal of Nanophotonics Vol.1, 013511 (May 27 2007).
Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lim Enk Ng Lennie, Propagation properties of plasmonic micro-zone plates with and without fractals, Applied Physics B, 90, 421-425 (Mar. 2008).
Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Investigation of physical properties of quartz via focused ion beam Bombardment. Applied Physics B, Vol. 80, No. 4, 581-585 (6 April 2005).
Yongqi Fu, Wei Zhou, Lim Enk Ng Lennie, Chunlei Du, Influences of V-shaped plasmonic nanostructures on transmission properties. Applied Physics B, Vol. 86, No. 3, 461-466 (2007).