[3] Hewu Xu, Yupei Yang, Bin Gao, and Wailok Woo, Multi-Layer Feature Boosting Framework for Pipeline Inspection using an Intelligent Pig System, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 8406-8417, Jun 2023.
[6] Yupei Yang, Bin Gao, Dong Liu, Qiuping Ma, Haoran Li, Wai Lok Woo, and Gaige Ru, Electromagnetic Pigging System based on Sandwich Differential Planar Coil, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 19, pp. 18903-18913, Sep 2022.
[7] Gaige Ru, Bin Gao, Dong Liu, Qiuping Ma, Haoran Li, and Wailok Woo, Structural Coupled Electromagnetic Sensing of Defects Diagnostic System, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 951-963, Aug 2022.
[8] Haoran Li, Bin Gao, Ling Miao, Dong Liu, Qiuping Ma, Guiyun Tian, and Wailok Woo, Multiphysics Structured Eddy Current and Thermography Defects Diagnostics System in Moving Mode, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2566-2578, Jan 2021.
[9] Tongle Wu, Bin Gao, Jicong Fan, Jize Xue, and Wailok Woo, Low Rank Tensor Completion Based on Self-Adaptive Learnable Transforms (code), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2024
[10] Zewei Liu, Bin Gao, and Guiyun Tian, Natural Cracks Diagnosis System based on Novel L-shaped Electromagnetic Sensing Thermography, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 9703-9714, Jul 2020.
油气管道电磁涡流内检测系统,由四川德源管道科技股份有限公司和电子科技大学联合研发,系统包括电磁涡流内检测机器人、无源智能跟球仪、数据处理分析软件、缺陷定位技术等四部分。以电磁涡流内检测技术为突破口,从传感器、电子硬件、机械结构、数据分析算法、软件、跟球系统等方面开展了原创性、引领性科技攻关。2021年9月正式发布了国内首套完全自主知识产权的电磁涡流管道内检测系统。申请国内专利36项,申请国际PCT专利5项,目前已授权发明专利4项,实用新型专利10项,外观专利4项,软件著作权5项。 项目成果自2021年9月开展推广应用以来,已在中石油、中石化等能源企业开展了检测应用,累计检测管道100条以上,检测里程1100公里以上。
Statistical signal processing, including
-Bayesian algorithm
-Hidden Markov model
-EM and variational algorithms
-Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (MCMC)
Unsupervised and supervised machine learning, including
-Principle and Independent Component Analysis (PCA/ICA)
-Sparse Representation
-Nonnegative Matrix and Tensor Factorization (NMF/NTF)
-Deep Learning
Time-frequency signal representations, including
-Wavelet transform
[1] Bin Gao, W.L. Woo, S.S. Dlay, “Variational Bayesian Regularized Two-Dimensional Nonnegative Matrix Factorization”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 23, pp. 703-716, 2012.
[2] Peng Lu, Bin Gao, Qizhi Feng, Yang Yang, Wai Lok Woo, Gui Yun Tian, Ensemble Variational Bayes Tensor Factorization for Super Resolution of CFRP Debond Detection, Infrared Physics & Technology,vol.85, pp.335-346, 2017
电-磁-热多物理场融合成像无损检测系统 Electromagnetic Thermography Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation
[1] Bin Gao, Yunze He, Wai Lok Woo, Gui Yun Tian, Jia Liu, and Yihua Hu, “Multidimensional Tensor-Based Inductive Thermography With Multiple Physical Fields for Offshore Wind Turbine Gear Inspection”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 63, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2016.
[2] Zewei Liu, Bin Gao, and Guiyun Tian, Natural Cracks Diagnosis System based on Novel L-shaped Electromagnetic Sensing Thermography, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 9703-9714, Jul 2020.
多模态光激励成像无损检测系统 Multi-mode Optical Thermography Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation
[1] Qizhi Feng, Bin Gao, Peng Lu, W.L. Woo, Yang Yang, Yunchen Fan, Xueshi Qiu, Liangyong Gu, “Automatic Seeded Region Growing for Thermography Debonding Detection of CFRP", NDT & E International.2018, 99 :36-49.
[2] Bozhen Hu, Bin Gao, Wai Lok Woo, Lingfeng Ruan, Jikun Jin, Yang Yang, and Yongjie Yu, (Code)A Lightweight Spatial and Temporal Multi-feature Fusion Network for Defect Detection, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 30, pp. 472-486, Jan 2021.
多物理阵列电磁感知无损检测系统 Multi-physics electromagnetic sensing/array for Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation
[1] Wei Guo, Bin Gao, Guiyun Tian, and Dan Si, Physic perspective fusion of EMAT and PECT in non-destructive testing system, Philosophical Transactions A, vol. 378, no. 2182, pp. 1-17, Sep 2020.
[2] Qiuping Ma, Bin Gao, Guiyun Tian, Changrong Yang, Lian Xie, and Kefan Chen, High sensitivity flexible double square winding eddy current array for surface micro-defects inspection, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, vol. 309, no. 2020, pp. 1-13, May 2020.
社交感知人机交互 Social Sensing based Human-Computer Interaction
[1] Jun Gu, Bin Gao, Yuanpeng Chen, Long Jiang, Zhao Gao, Xiaole Ma, Yong Ma, Wai Lok Woo, Jikun Jin, Wearable Social Sensing: Content-Based Processing Methodology and Implementation, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.17, no.21, pp.7167-7176, 2017.
[2] Sihao Yang, Bin Gao, Long Jiang, Jikun Jin, Zhao Gao, Xiaole Ma, and W.L. Woo, IOT structured Long-term Wearable Social Sensing for Mental Wellbeing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 3652-3662, Apr 2019.