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Wu, Songhao(#), Lv, Weiqiang, Lei, Tianyu, Han, Yidong, Jian, Xian, Deng, Min, Zhu, Gaolong, Liu, Mingzhen, Xiong, Jie(*), Dickerson, James H., He, Weidong(*) , Distinctive Supercapacitive Properties of Copper and Copper Oxide Nanocrystals Sharing a Similar Colloidal Synthetic Route , Advanced Energy Materials, 7(14), 2017.Advanced Energy Materials.2017
Dongjiang Chen(#), Ziqi Zhou, Chao Feng, Weiqiang Lv, Zhaohuan Wei, Kelvin H. L. Zhang, Bin Lin, Songhao Wu, Tianyu Lei, Xuyun Guo, Gaolong Zhu, Xian Jian(*), Jie Xiong(*), Enrico Traversa, Shi Xue Dou, Weidong He(*) , An Upgraded Lithium Ion Battery Based on a Polymeric Separator Incorporated with Anode Active Materials , Advanced Energy Materials, 11(1), pp 1803627, 2019.Advanced Energy Materials,11(1):1803627
Xian Jian, et al. Gas-induced formation of Cu nanoparticle as catalyst for high-purity straight and helical carbon nanofibers. ACS Nano, 2012, 6(10): 8611-8619.
Heterostructured Nanorings of Fe−Fe3O4@C Hybrid with Enhanced Microwave Absorption Performance,X Jian, X Xiao, L Deng, W Tian, X Wang, N Mahmood, SX Dou,ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (11), 9369-9378,2018.2019
Self-tunable ultrathin carbon nanocups as the electrode material of sodium-ion batteries with unprecedented capacity and stability, X Jian, H Wang, G Rao, L Jiang, H Wang, CM Subramaniyam, Chemical Engineering Journal,2019.2019
X Jian, B Wu, Y Wei, S Dou, X Wang, W He, N Mahmood. Facile Synthesis of Fe3O4/GCs Composites and their Enhanced Microwave Absorption Properties, ACS applied materials & interfaces,2016, 8 (9), 6101–6109