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Personal Profile

    The full publication record of me can be found on: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bdULNcIAAAAJ&hl=en and http://www.researcherid.com/rid/J-5225-2015.

Personal Information

Doctoral Supervisor


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Alma Mater:Institute of Physics, Chinese Adademy of Sciences

Degree:Doctor of Science


School/Department:School of Materials and Energy

Administrative Position:Associate Professor

Discipline:Materials Physics and Chemistry

Business Address:Room 102, East Block, Computer Science Building, Shahe Campus of UESTC, Chengdu, PRC.

Contact Information:


Educational Experience

    No Content

Work Experience

  • 2018.1-Now

     School of Materials and Energy | UESTC 

Research Focus

  • Optoelectronics and Thermoelectrics

  • Quantum Materials & Structures

  • Surface Sciences and Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Research Group

International Centre for Artificial Materials (ICAM)

The International Center for Artificial Materials (ICAM) is an association of scientists incorporating multi-disciplines and inter-disciplines with their research focus on nanoscale and energy materials. ICAM was founded in 2011 which located at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chendu, China. Visit our website at http://icam.uestc.edu.cn/.

Other Contact Information

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