男,博士,教授,博士生导师,国家级青年人才,四川省学术与技术带头人,IEEE以及中国电子学会高级会员。1980年7月生于浙江临海,2003年获得电子科技大学电磁场与微波技术专业学士学位,2008年获得东南大学电磁场与微波技术专业博士学位并任教于电子科技大学。主要从事天线理论与技术、微波太赫兹电路与系统、无线能量传输与热效应应用等的研究。先后主持国家以及省部级项目10余项,主持其他科研项目10余项;在APL、PRB、IEEE TIE/MTT/AP/MWCL/AWPL等国际知名期刊以及国际会议上发表论文三大检索的学术论文100余篇,其中以第一作者以及2S作者身份发表有SCI论文60余篇;前后共申请专利40余项,已授权发明专利20余项;并为IEEE MTT/AP/MWCL/AWPL、EL、JEMWA/PIER、电子学报等国内外知名期刊审稿人。
主讲《微波固态电路》以及《无线系统的微波与射频设计》,近10年来学生评教成绩均为优秀。先后获校优秀共产党员,全国百优博士论文提名奖、校学术新人奖、电子科大-唐立新优秀学者、教育部新世纪优秀人才、省创新人才、省海外高层次留学人才、军队科技进步二等奖、省学术与技术带头人后备人选、国家级青年人才、省学术与技术带头人,本科教学优秀奖、中电集团-电子科大一等奖教金、校教学成果二等奖、研究生教学优秀奖、校青年教师教学竞赛一等奖、教学改革创新示范一等奖,来华留学研究生优秀指导教师、成电国际合作与国际教育先进个人,电子科大“我最喜爱的老师” 等诸多荣誉。指导本科生获IEEE MTTs奖学金项目3项、省苗子工程项目6项、大学生创新创业项目40余项;指导硕士生获中国电子学会优秀硕士论文1篇、省优秀硕士毕业生2人、成电杰出研究生2人、成电杰出留学生1人、校优秀硕士论文8篇;指导电工学院2014020907班获“成电杰出班级”荣誉称号。
电子邮件: xqlin@uestc.edu.cn
学术经历: 2003年本科毕业于电子科技大学电磁场与微波技术专业;2008年博士毕业于东南大学电磁场与微波技术专业;2009年破格晋升为电子科技大学副教授;2011年破格聘任为博士研究生指导教师;2011年9月~2012年9月受国家留学基金委资助在瑞典皇家工学院(KTH)进行为期一年的博士后研究。2013年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才;2015年入选IEEE高级会员并受聘为电子科技大学教授;2020年入选国家级青年人才;2021年入选四川省学术与技术带头人。主要从事天线理论与技术、微波太赫兹电路与系统、无线能量传输与热效应应用等的研究。。
科研项目: 1、国家自然科学基金委员会重点项目(主持,2020.01-2023.12);2、GF科技创新特区项目(主持,2019.11-2020.12);3、ZF预研项目(主持,2016.12-20.19.12);4、GF科技创新特区项目(主持,2017.07-2018.0.7);5、国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目(主持,2016.01-2019.12); 6、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(主持,2014.1~2016.12); 7、国家重点实验室主任基金项目(主持,2013.11-2014.10); 8、教育厅成果转化重大培育项目(主持,2013.1-2015.12); 9、中央高校基本科研业务费项目(主持,2011.01-2012.12); 8、2008年至今,作为负责人,主持各类横向课题10余项。
1)Li Ying Nie, Xian Qi Lin*, Shang Xiang, Bao Wang, Long Xiao and Jun Yong Ye, “High Isolation Two Port UWB Antenna Based on Shared Structure,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 68, no. 12, pp.8186–8191, Dec. 2020.
2)Yihong Su, Yong Fan and Xian Qi Lin* and Ke Wu, “Single-Layer Mode Composite Coplanar Waveguide Dual-Band Filter With Large Frequency Ratio”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 2320-2330, June 2020.
3)Yihong Su, Xian Qi Lin*, Yong Fan and Ke Wu, “Mode Composite Sandwich Slot Line and its Applications in Antenna Development”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 4250-4258, June, 2020.
4)Yihong Su, Xian Qi Lin* and Yong Fan, “Dual-Band Coaperture Antenna Based on a Single-Layer Mode Composite Transmission Line”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 4825-4829, July, 2019.
5)Li Ying Nie, Xian Qi Lin*, Zi Qiang Yang, Jin Zhang, Bao Wang, ”Structure-Shared Planar UWB MIMO Antenna with High Isolation for Mobile Platform”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 2735-2738, April, 2019.
6)Li Ying Nie, Xian Qi Lin*, Senior Member, IEEE, Yi Jun Chen, Jin Zhang, Bao Wang, Zi Qiang Yang# and Yong Fan, “A Low-Profile Coplanar Dual-Polarized and Dual-Band Base Station Antenna Array”,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 6921-6929, December, 2018.
7) Xian Qi Lin*, Jiao Peng, Zhe Chen, Jia Wei Yu and Xiao Fan Yang,“A Group-Delay-Based Sensor Using Active EIT-Like Effect With Double Sensing Applications ”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, no. 22, pp. 9251-9256, Nov. 15, 2018.
8) Peng Cheng Zhang, Xian Qi Lin* , Cong Tang, Yuan Jiang and Yong Fan, “Wideband filtering power divider with deep and wide stopband”, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies., vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1011-1018, Nov., 2018.
9) Abdelheq Boukarkar, Xian Qi Lin* , Yuan Jiang, Yi Jun Chen, and Li Ying Nie, “Compact Mechanically Frequency and Pattern Reconfigurable Patch Antenna”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 1864-1869, September 12, 2018.
10) Shi Lin Liu, Xian Qi Lin*, Zi Qian Yang#, Yi Jun Chen, and Jia Wei Yu, “W-Band Low-Profile Transmitarray Antenna Using Different Types of FSS Units”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 4613-4619, September 2018.
11) Yuan Jiang, Xian Qi Lin*, Bao Wang, and Cong Tang. “Theoretical analysis and design of a compact analogue phase shifer with constant low insertion loss”, Electronics Letters, vo.54, no. 8, pp. 517-518,April 19, 2018.
1. Fei Cheng, Xian Qi Lin*, Michael Lancaster, Kaijun Song, and Yong Fan, “A Dual-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter With Controllable Transmission Zeros”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Sept. 2015, Vol.25, no. 9, pp. 576-578. 2. Xian Qi Lin*, Jia Wei Yu, Zhe Chen, Peng Cheng Zhang and Peng Fei Li, “Analogue of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency with Modulatable Transmission,” IET Electronics Letters, July 2015, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp.1132-1134 . 3. Xiao Fan Yang, Xian Qi Lin*, Jun Ye Jin, and Yuan Jiang,”A Wideband Mixer Designed with Low Conversion Loss through the Entire W-Band”,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,Feb. 10, 2015, Vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 275-282. 4. Jun Ye Jin, Xian Qi Lin*, Yuan Jiang, Lu Yu Wang and Yong Fan, “A Novel E-Plane Substrate Inserted Bandpass Filter with High Selectivity and Compact Size,” International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, July 2014, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 451-456. 5. Hui Li, Xian Qi Lin, Buon Kiong Lau, and Sai Ling He, “Equivalent Circuit Based Calculation of Signal Correlation in Lossy Antenna Arrays,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, October, 2013,Vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 5214-5222. 6. Xian Qi Lin, Yuan Jiang, Jun Ye Jin, Jia Wei Yu, and Sailing He, "Understand and realize an ``invisible gateway'' in a classical way," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Auguest, 2013, Vol. 141, 739-749. 7. Fei Cheng, Xian Qi Lin*, Yi Yao Hu, Xiao Xiao Liu, Kai Jun Song, and Yong Fan, “High Selective Bandpass Filter Using Inductive-Coupled Quarter-Wavelength Stepped-Impedance Resonators”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, December. 2013, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 3010-3014. 8. Fei Cheng, Xian Qi Lin*, Kai Jun Song, Yuan Jiang, and Yong Fan, “Compact Diplexer With High Isolation Using the Dual-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Resonator” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, September 2013, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 459-461. 9. Rui Shen, Xian Qi Lin*, Peng Cheng Zhang and Yong Fan, “Analysis of Different Loop Resonators and Their Application in Band-Stop Filter Design”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, September 2013, vol.55, no. 9, pp. 2241-2244. 10.Yang Sheng Wu, Xian Qi Lin*, Fei Cheng, Jin Zhang, Yong Fan, ”A compact tunable bandpass filter with high selectivity and low insertion loss using novel CRLH cell”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, August 2013, vol.27, no. 12, pp. 1466-1472. 11. Fei Cheng, Xian Qi Lin*, Peng Cheng Zhang, Kai Jun Song and Yong Fan, “A microstrip bandpass filter based on inductive coupled quarter-wavelength resonators”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, May 2013, vol.55, no. 5, pp. 1031-1033. 12. Lu Yu Wang, Xian Qi Lin*, Fei Cheng, Yong Fan, Zhong Bo Zhu, Electric Split-Ring Resonator Based on Double-Sided Parallel-Strip Lines ,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, March 2013, vol.12,pp. 69-71. 13. Fei Cheng, Xian Qi Lin*, Xiao Xiao Liu, Kai Jun Song and Yong Fan, “A compact dual-band bandpass SIW filter”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, February, 2013, vol.27, no. 3, pp.338-344. 14. Xian Qi Lin*, Jun Ye Jin, Yuan Jiang and Yong Fan, “Metamaterial-inspired waveguide filters with compact size and sharp skirt selectivity ,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, January 2013, vol.27, no. 2, pp. 224-232. 15. Rui Shen, Xian Qi Lin*, and Yong Fan, “A compact dual-band band-stop filter with high performance and controllable response ,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, January 2013, vol.27, no. 1, pp. 23-29. 16. Xian Qi Lin*, Jia Wei Yu, Yuan Jiang, Jun Ye Jin and Yong Fan, “Electromagnetically induced transparencies in a closed waveguide with high efficiency and wide frequency band,” Applied Physics Letters, Aug. 2012, vol.101, no. 09 pp. 093502-1~3. 17. Jiang Xiong*, Xian Qi Lin, Yu Feng Yu, Ming Chun Tang, Shao Qiu Xiao, Bing Zhong Wang, “Novel Flexible Dual-Frequency Broadside Radiating Rectangular Patch Antennas Based on Complementary Planar ENZ or MNZ Metamaterials”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, August 2012, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 3958-3961. 18. Jun Ye Jin, Xian Qi Lin*, Xiang Gao, Xiao Zhuang and Yong Fan, “A dual-band power divider using parallel strip line with high isolation,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, July 2012, vol.26, no.11-12, pp.11594-1601. 19. Yang Sheng Wu, Xian Qi Lin*, Jin Zhang, Yuan Jiang, Fei Cheng and Yong Fan, “Broadband and wide-range tunable phase shifter based on composite right/left handed transmission line,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, July 2012, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 1308-1314. 20. Zhong Bo Zhu, Xian Qi Lin*, Jun Ye Jin, Yuan Jiang, and Yong Fan, “Lowpass filter with large rejection through the entire W-band,” Electronics Letters, May 2012, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 577-578. 21. Fei Cheng, Xian Qi Lin*, Zhong Bo Zhu, Lu Yu Wang and Yong Fan, “High isolation diplexer using quarter-wavelength resonator filter,” Electronics Letters, March 2012, vol. 48, no.6, pp.330-331. 22. Xian Qi Lin*, Peng Su, Fei Cheng, Yong Fan and Zhong Bo Zhu, “Improved CRLH-TL with Arbitrary Characteristic Impedance and Its Application in Hybrid Ring Design,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research, January 2012, vol. 124, pp. 249-263.
1999.9 -- 2003.7
2003.9 -- 2008.6
2017.12 -- 至今
电子科技大学电子科学与技术学院(示范性微电子学院) 教师
2011.9 -- 2012.9
瑞典皇家理工学院 博士后
2008.6 -- 2017.11
电子科技大学电子工程学院 教师
2003.9 -- 2008.5
电子科技大学 教师