任彦之 (副教授)

副教授 硕士生导师











任彦之,现任电子科技大学计算机科学与工程学院副教授。于2015年在美国斯蒂文斯理工学院(Stevens Institute of Technology)电子与计算机工程系师从Prof.Yingying Chen(IEEE Fellow)获得博士学位,2015年5月到2017年5月就职于美国华为研究院,2017年5月至7月就职于京东成都研究院,2017年8月加入电子科技大学计算机学院长江学者李洪伟教授团队。多年从事移动计算,感知计算,物联网,信息安全等方面的研究。在IEEE INFOCOM、ACM MobiSys,IEEE ICDCS,《IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing》、《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》、《IEEE Wireless Communications》等著名期刊或会议上发表论文近50篇(其中JCR一区或中国计算机学会推荐A类(CCF-A)国际顶级论文20余篇)。发表于INFOCOM 2015的论文成果被多家国内外媒体撰文报道,如MIT Technology Review news,雅虎新闻和网易科技等。并主持多项国家级及省部级项目,包括国家自然科学基金两项(青年,面上),四川省自然科学基金(面上),以及省部级项目,横向项目,校级项目等,总经费超过300万元。其中国家自然科学基金项目有:

        1.  国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于智能设备的精确健康监测关键技术研究, 主持, 25万元, 2019.01-2021.12; 

        2.  国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于声纹特征的智能设备多维度隐式认证研究,主持,52万元,2023.01-2026.12;



现有学生:夏志良, 李思怡, 苑辉辉,候晨,杨廷元,殷瑞

已经或即将毕业学生:郑周荣  2021届(中国电科30所);   文坪 2022届(贝壳找房(北京)科技有限公司);陈晨(比亚迪西安研究院);张宇轩(比亚迪深圳研究院);田珞丁(中兴通讯)



        1. 黄鹏程 何鸿才 苏宇辰 束尧,大学生信息安全竞赛全国二等奖,2021年;

        2. 郝昭阳 唐崟皓 徐辰红 郑雯昕, 大学生信息安全竞赛全国二等奖,2022年;

        3. 范子悦 汪承明 吴思羽 尹国淼,大学生信息安全竞赛全国二等奖, 2023年;


黄鹏程: 中国科学技术大学,保直博;




汪承明 华中科技大学 保研

范子悦 中科院信工所 保研

吴思羽 电子科技大学 保研

尹国淼 电子科技大学 保研


由于本人曾经考过研,也读过美国博士,还经历过国内外多种不同的工作(both 学术圈工业界),人生阅历略微丰富(也可以叫做坎坷)了一点。对于考研、出国留学或个人工作选择,也有一些自己的心得体会(或者叫做教训)。如果同学对这些问题感兴趣,但自己又比较迷茫不知道该怎么入手,可以来联系我,我会把自己的这些经验告诉大家,并在能力范围内尽力提供帮助。对于优秀的同学我也会帮忙推荐一些机会。到目前为止,在我的帮助下,已经有多名同学在国内或者出国深造(这也是让我非常开心的一件事)。

Short Bio:

Dr. Ren (Yanzhi Ren) is currently an Associate Professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic and Science of Technology of China. Prior to  join University of Electronic and Science of Technology of China, he was a Data Analytics/Machine Learning System Engineer in FutureWei Technologies (Huawei Research), NJ, USA. Dr. Ren received the PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ in 2015. Dr. Ren has published more than 40 refereed papers in international leading journals and key conferences in the areas of wireless communications and networking, mobile computing, and security & privacy. He is the inventor of more than 10 granted and 10 pending patents. His current research interests include mobile computing and sensing, cyber security and privacy, internet of Things (IoT), smart healthcare. 


Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering                       2015

Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ

Advisor: Prof. Yingying Chen (IEEE Fellow)

M.S. in Wireless Communication                                   2008

University of Electronic and Science of Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China

Advisor: Prof. Youxi Tang

B.S. in Communication Engineering                                2005

University of Electronic and Science of Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China

Working Experience:

June 2019 - Now:  Associate Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China  

August 2017 – June 2019:  Assistant Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China  

June 2015 – May 2017:  Data Analytics/Machine Learning System Engineer,      FutureWei Technologies (Huawei Research), NJ, USA


Editoral board:

      Smart Health Journal

Technical Program Committe(TPC)Member :


Conference Organization

   Publicity Co-Chair: The ACM TUR-C 2019 (SIGSAC CHINA) Conference (中国图灵大会)

   TPC Co-Chair: The International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data

Journal/Conference Reviewer:

   IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC)

   IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN)

   EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

   Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN)

   Springer Wireless Networks (WiNET)

Selected Publication:(*Corresponding Author)

Journal Papers:

--Yanzhi Ren, Tingyuan Yang, Zhiliang Xia, Hongbo Liu,  Jiadi Yu,  Bo Liu and Hongwei Li, Robust Mobile Two-Factor Authentication Leveraging Acoustic Fingerprinting,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024. (CCF-A期刊, JCR一区)

-- Zhiliang Xia, Yanzhi Ren*, Siyi Li, Jiachen Ou, Hongbo Liu, Yingying Chen, Shu Fu and Hongwei Li“Indoor Location Identification For Smart Speakers Leveraging 3-D Acoustic Images",IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024.  (CCF-A期刊, JCR一区)

--Y Du, H Dai, H Liu, Y Wang, G Li, Y Ren, Y Chen, and K Zhang, “Secret key generation based on manipulated channel measurement matching,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024. (CCF-A期刊, JCR一区)

--Yanzhi Ren, Siyi Li, Chen Chen, Hongbo Liu, Jiadi Yu,Yingying Chen, Haomiao Yang, Hongwei Li, Robust Indoor Location Identification For Smartphones Using Echoes From Dominant Reflectors, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), 2023. (CCF-A期刊, JCR一区)

--Yanzhi Ren, Chen Chen, Hongbo Liu, Jiadi Yu, Zhourong Zheng, Yingying Chen, Pengcheng Huang, Hongwei Li, Secure Mobile Two-Factor Authentication Leveraging Active Sound Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), 2023. (CCF-A期刊, JCR一区)

--Chen, Chen, Yanzhi Ren*; Hongbo Liu; Yingying Chen; Hongwei Li,Acoustic Sensing Based Location Semantics Identification Using Smartphones, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT Journal), 2022. (JCR一区)

--Yanzhi Ren, Zhourong Zheng, Sibo Xu, Hongwei Li, User Identification Leveraging Whispered Sound for Wearable Devices, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), 2021. (CCF-A期刊, JCR一区)

--Yanzhi Ren, Chen Wang, Yingying Chen, Jie Yang, Hongwei Li, “Non-invasive Fine-grained Sleep Monitoring Leveraging Smartphones, ” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT Journal), 2019. (JCR一区)

--Yanzhi Ren, Chen Wang,Yingying Chen, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang,“Signature Verification Using Critical Segments for Securing Mobile Transactions, ” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), 2019. (CCF-A期刊, JCR一区)

--Yanzhi Ren, Yingying Chen,Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang,"User Verification Leveraging Gait Recognition For Smartphone Enabled Mobile Healthcare Systems," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), 2015. (CCF-A期刊, JCR一区)

--Yanzhi Ren, Jie Yang, Mooi Choo Chuah, Yingying Chen,"Social Community Extraction for Disease Propagation Control Leveraging Mobile Phones," Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (AHSWN), 2013.

--Yanzhi Ren, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, "Detecting Wormhole Attacks in Delay Tolerant Networks", in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (IEEE WCM), special issue on Security & Privacy, vol.17, no.5, pp.36-42, October 2010. (Acceptance ratio: 17.9%) (JCR一区)

-- Jie Yang, Yanzhi Ren, Yingying Chen and Mooi Choo Chuah, "A Social Community Based Approach for Reducing the Propagation of Infectious Diseases in Healthcare ", ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (ACM MC2R), 2010.

--Chuan Huang, Youxi Tang, Hao Liu, Yuchang Liu, Yanzhi Ren, “BER Performance Analysis of Optimum OFDM Receiver with Superimposed Sequence in Fading Channel”, Acta Electronica Sinica, 2007.

Referred Conference Papers and Posters:

--Hao Kong, Haoxin Lyu, Jiadi Yu, Linghe Kong, Junlin Yang, Yanzhi Ren, Hongbo Liu and Yi-Chao Chen,mmHand: 3D Hand Pose Estimation Leveraging mmWave Signals,in Proceedings of the 44nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS 2024) (Acceptance rate: 121/552 = 21%) .(CCF-B会议)

--Limin Liu, Yicong Du, Ziyu Shao, Hongbo Liu, Yanzhi Ren* and Haomiao Yang, Physical Layer Secret Key Generation Leveraging Proactive Pilot Contamination,in Proceedings of the 44nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS 2024) (Acceptance rate: 121/552 = 21%) .(CCF-B会议)

-- Yuchen Su,Shiyue Huang,Hongbo Liu,Yuefeng Chen,Yicong du,Yan Wang,Yanzhi Ren,Yingying Chen,PPG-Hear: A Practical Eavesdropping Attack with Photoplethysmography Sensors,Ubicomp 2024. (CCF-A会议) 

-- Yicong Du, Limin Liu, Hongbo Liu, Yanzhi Ren, and Bo Liu, "Secret key generation with adaptive pilot manipulation for matching-based method," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2024. (CCF-C会议)

--Yuchen Su, Guoqing Jiang, Yicong Du, Yuefeng Chen, Huan Dai, Hongbo Liu, Yan Wang, Yanzhi Ren, Shuai Li and Yingying Chen, P^2Auth: Two-factor Authentication Leveraging PIN and Keystroke-induced PPG measurements, in Proceedings of the 43nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS 2023) (Acceptance rate: 83/439 = 18.9%) .(CCF-B会议)

--Yanzhi Ren, Zhiliang Xia, Siyi Li, Hongbo Liu, Yingying Chen, Shuai Li and Hongwei Li,EchoImage: User Authentication on Smart Speakers Using Acoustic Signals,in Proceedings of the 43nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS 2023) (Acceptance rate: 83/439 = 18.9%) .(CCF-B会议)

--Yanzhi Ren, Tingyuan Yang, Zhiliang Xia, Hongbo Liu, Yingying Chen, Nan Jiang, Zhaohui Yuan, Hongwei Li, Secure and Robust Two Factor Authentication via Acoustic Fingerprinting, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2023). (CCF-A会议)

-- Jie Wen, Nan Jiang, Jin Li, Ximeng Liu, Honglong Chen, Yanzhi Ren, Zhaohui Yuan, Ziang Tu, DTrust: Toward Dynamic Trust Levels Assessment in Time-Varying Online Social Networks, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2023). (CCF-A会议)

--Yuefeng Chen, YiCong Du, Chunlong Xu, Yanghai Yu and Hongbo Liu, Huan Dai, Yanzhi Ren, Jiadi Yu, ArmSpy: Video-assisted PIN Inference Leveraging Keystroke-induced Arm Posture Changes, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2022). (CCF-A会议)

--Xiangyu Xu, Jiadi Yu, Chenguang Ma, Yanzhi Ren, Hongbo Liu, Yanmin Zhu, Yi-Chao Chen and Feilong Tang,mmECG: Monitoring Human Cardiac Cycle in Driving Environments Leveraging Millimeter Wave,in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2022). (CCF-A会议)

--Yanzhi Ren, Zhourong Zheng, Hongbo Liu, Yingying Chen, Hongwei Li and Chen Wang,Breathing Sound-based Exercise Intensity Monitoring via Smartphones, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE ICCCN), 2021. (CCF-C会议)

--Yanzhi Ren, Ping Wen, Hongbo Liu, Zhourong Zheng, Yingying Chen, Pengcheng Huang, Hongwei Li, Proximity-Echo: Secure Two Factor Authentication Using Active Sound Sensing, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2021), May 2021. (Acceptance rate: 252/1266 = 19.9%) (CCF-A会议)

--Hongbo Liu, Yan Wang, Yanzhi Ren, Yingying Chen, Bipartite Graph Matching Based Secret Key Generation, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2021), May 2021. (Acceptance rate: 252/1266 = 19.9%)  (CCF-A会议)

-- Zhenzhe Lin, Yucheng Xie, Xiaonan Guo, Yanzhi Ren, Yingying Chen and Chen Wang, "WiEat: Fine-grained Device-free Eating Monitoring Leveraging Wi-Fi Signals", in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on on Computer Communications and Networks (IEEE ICCCN), 2020. (CCF-C会议)

-- Zhenzhe Lin, Yucheng Xie, Xiaonan Guo, Chen Wang, Yanzhi Ren, Yingying Chen, WiFi-enabled Automatic Eating Moment Monitoring Using Smartphones, in Proceedings of the 6th EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare (HealthyIoT 2019), Braga, Portugal, December 2019. (Best Paper Award)

-- W. Jiang, H. Li, S. Liu, Y. Ren and M. He, "A Flexible Poisoning Attack Against Machine Learning," ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China, 2019, pp. 1-6. (CCF-C会议)

-- Yanzhi Ren, Chen Wang, Yingying Chen, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang, "Critical Segment Based Real-time E-Signature for Securing Mobile Transactions," in Proceedings of CNS 2015.

-- Shubham Jain, Carlo Borgiattino, Yanzhi Ren, Marco Gruteser, Yingying Chen, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, "LookUp: Enabling Pedestrian Safety Services via Shoe Sensing," in Proceedings of MobiSys 2015. (CCF-B会议)

-- Yanzhi Ren, Chen Wang, Jie Yang , Yingying Chen, "Fine-grained Sleep Monitoring: Hearing Your Breathing with Smartphones," in Proceedings of INFOCOM 2015. (CCF-A会议)

-- Yanzhi Ren, Chen Wang, Yingying Chen, Jie Yang, "Hearing Your Breathing: Fine-grained Sleep Monitoring Using Smartphones," in Proceedings of ACM Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom), Poster Session, 2014. 

-- Yanzhi Ren, Yingying Chen, Jie Yang, Bin Xie, "Privacy-preserving Ranked Multi-Keyword Search Leveraging Polynomial Function in Cloud Computing," in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, 2014. (CCF-C会议)

-- Shubham Jain, Carlo Borgiattino, Yanzhi Ren, Marco Gruteser, Yingying Chen, "On the Limits of Positioning-based Pedestrian Risk Awareness," in Proceedings of Workshop on Mobile Augmented Reality and Robotic Technology-based Systems (MARS) at Mobisys, 2014.

--Yanzhi Ren, Yingying Chen,Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang,"Smartphone Based User Verification Leveraging Gait Recognition For Mobile Healthcare Systems," in Proceedings of the Tenth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks  (IEEE SECON 2013). (CCF-B会议)

-- Yanzhi Ren, Yingying Chen, Mooi Choo Chuah, "Social Closeness Based Clone Attack Detection for Mobile Healthcare System," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2012. (CCF-C会议)

-- Yanzhi Ren, Jie Yang, Mooi Choo Chuah, Yingying Chen,"Mobile Phone Enabled Social Community Extraction for Controlling of Disease Propagation in Healthcare," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (IEEE MASS), concise paper,Valencia, Spain, 2011. (CCF-C会议)

--Yanzhi Ren, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen,"Distributed Spatio-Temporal Social Community Detection Leveraging Template Matching," in Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference 2009 Wireless Networking Symposium (IEEE Globecom), Houston, Texas, 2011. (CCF-C会议)

--Yanzhi Ren, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, "MUTON: Detecting Malicious Nodes in Disruption-Tolerant Networks," in IEEE WCNC, Sydney, Australia, April 2010. (CCF-C会议)

--Yanzhi Ren, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, “Detecting Blackhole Attacks in Disruption-Tolerant Networks through Packet Exchange Recording,” in Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Data Security and PrivAcy in wireless Networks (IEEE D-SPAN), held in conjunction with WoWMoM, page(s): 1 – 6, Montreal, QC, Canada, June 2010. 

--Yanzhi Ren, Mooi Choo Chuah, Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, “Discovering Wormhole Attacks in Delay Tolerant Networks via Forbidden Topology Structure Identification,”ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec), Poster Session,Hoboken, NJ, March 2010.

--Yanzhi Ren, Youxi Tang, Shaoqian Li, “A Complementary Transform Technique With Imaginary Part for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems”, in Communications Conference of the Youth in Western Part of China, 2007.



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电子科技大学  |  通信与信息系统  |  工学硕士学位  |  硕士研究生毕业


美国斯蒂文斯理工学院  |  电气工程  |  哲学博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业





电子科技大学计算机科学与技术学院  |  专任教师

