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发布时间:2022-12-30 点击次数:
论文名称为“W-band high-efficiency waveguide slot array antenna with low sidelobe levels based on silicon micromachining technology”。针对现有W波段大规模阵列天线辐射效率低的问题,该文提出了一种基于空气填充微波导传输线的W波段高效率低副瓣波导缝隙天线阵。该工作采用了MEMS体硅微加工工艺,利用其选择性蚀刻、表层金属化及金-金键合的多层加工优势,可形成具有高品质因数的空气腔和微波导结构,并基于微波导传输线设计了八单元串馈缝隙线阵。但是,MEMS工艺的最小单次刻蚀深度为200 μm,导致缝隙具有0.06倍波长的剖面高度,单元呈现出非理想的有厚度特性,减弱了缝隙单元的辐射能力。为克服厚缝隙带来的性能制约,基于反射同相增强的原理,采取了在缝隙上方加载TEM模腔的方法,使得相同规模的缝隙天线增益可提升1.5 dB。在馈电网络设计中,基于微波导传输线,采用末级对称Y型结和其余各级不对称T型结实现了具有子阵式改进泰勒分布的高效馈网。为验证上述思想,本文设计了阵列规模为16×8的W波段微波导缝隙阵列天线,并完成了加工和测试。实测结果表明,该阵列天线的阻抗带宽为91.85.3~96.42 GHz,有效增益范围为25.2~27.5 dBi,E面和H面的副瓣电平优于−19 dB,且在92.3~96.3 GHz工作频带内辐射效率优于80%。该工作提出的W波段波导缝隙天线阵具有高效率、二维低副瓣等特性,且实测与仿真结果吻合。工作主要完成人为姚仕森、程钰间、柏航、樊勇。
Abstract — A high-efficiency waveguide slot arrayantenna with low sidelobe level (SLL) is investigated forW-band applications. The silicon micromachining techno-logy is utilized to realize multilayer antenna architectureby three key steps of selective etching, gold plating andAu-Au bonding. The radiating slot based on this tech-nique becomes thick with a minimum thickness of 0.2 mmand accompanies with the decrease of slot’s radiation abil-ity. To overcome this weakness, a stepped radiation cav-ity is loaded on the slot. The characteristic of cavity-loaded slot is investigated to synthesize the low-SLL ar-ray antenna. The unequal hybrid corporate feeding net-work is constructed to achieve sidelobe suppression in theE-plane. A pair of 16 × 8 low-SLL and high-effciency slotarrays is fashioned and confirmed experimentally. Thebandwidth with the radiation effciency higher than 80% is92.3–96.3 GHz. The SLLs in both E- and H-planes are be-low −19 dB.
Key words — W-band, Micromachined waveguide,Silicon micromachining, Stepped radiation cavity, Higheffciency, Sidelobe level(SLL)