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团队有关一种Ka/W频段模式复合平面波导及其共口径天线平面化应用的成果在IEEE TAP期刊上发表
发布时间:2023-09-22 点击次数:
论文名称“Ka-/W-Band Shared-Aperture Antenna Array Based on Stacked Continuous Transverse Stub”,Ka/W 等大气传播窗口频段在探测雷达等领域中应用广泛,但其双频共口径集成的 天线方案却均为反射面等高剖面形式。为进一步扩展 Ka/W 等频段天线共口径后的适用场景,本文提出了一种双频段模式复合平面波导结构,并基于此设计了一款堆叠式连续横向长缝(CTS)天线,实现 Ka/W 双频共口径平面化工作。复合平面波导在 Ka 波段为周期性慢波结构,避免在低频天线方向图中引入栅瓣,同时在 W 波段等效为纯虚数特征阻抗传输线。堆叠式 CTS 由 W 频段上层 CTS 和 Ka 频段下层 CTS 组成。虚阻抗波导与特定高度的低频 CTS 联合作用,避免了高频波下漏,同时在高频带内获得截止效应和高隔离度,而低频高隔离度 由高频馈电网络的截止效应获得。另一方面,高频 CTS 结构对下层低频天线的感性阻抗加载,提高其与自由空 间的匹配及法向辐射性能。在此基础上,实现双频段协同工作。实验与仿真吻合良好。工作主要完成人:张锦帆,程钰间。
Abstract— In this article, a planar Ka-/W-band sharedaperture antenna is proposed for millimeter-wave detection radars. This antenna is based on the stacked continuous transverse stub (SCTS) structure and the hybrid waveguide, which work as the slow wave waveguide at Ka-band and the pure imaginary characteristic impedance (PICI) waveguide at W-band. The proposed SCTS structure consists of an upper W-band CTS antenna and a lower Ka-band CTS antenna. The upper W-band antenna can operate without the downward leakage due to the PICI waveguide. For the Ka-band antenna, the high-frequency structure can be equivalent to an inductive surface at Ka-band to achieve better impedance matching. The advantages of low profile, high isolation, and high aperture efficiency at both bands can be achieved. The overall height of the antenna is only 7.5 mm, about 2.5 times the wavelength of the high frequency.
Index Terms— Continuous transverse stub, dual-band antenna, high isolation, shared-aperture antenna, structure reuse.