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团队有关一种Ka频段宽带宽角圆极化VICTS天线的成果在IEEE TAP期刊上发表
发布时间:2024-01-02 点击次数:55
论文名称“Wideband and Wide-Scan-Angle Circularly Polarized VICTS-Like Antenna With Polarization Converting Radiator for Ka-Band SatCom”, 针对现有线极化VICTS天线加载实现圆极化方式所面临的剖面高、插损大、侧边反射泄露等问题,本工作采用了圆极化VICTS的技术路线解决前述难题,而在圆极化VICTS天线相关的研究普遍面临着扫描角度不足,带宽不足的问题,本工作则实现了圆极化VICTS天线宽带化、宽角化。在27.5-31.0GHz的带宽范围内,可保持圆极化俯仰面扫描角度大于60度,轴比在3dB以内。技术上,为了实现宽带化,本工作利用了自生90度相位差保证宽带圆极化的生成,提出了单元扩张解决带内辐射能力不均衡的问题。为了实现宽角化,本工作提出了梳状去耦合结构,抑制高次模式、破坏传播条件,同步解决双向强耦合问题,有效扩展扫描范围,并采用了切除边沿的PCB辐射体,减少了同一张PCB板上单元的馈电互扰,提高了辐射单元的相位采样精度,解决了大角度扫描因为相位失准而导致的方向图恶化。整体高度仅为0.98波长,保持了VICTS天线的低剖面特征。该天线实现了Ka频段宽带宽角圆极化特征,并具有低剖面特点,是一种适用于卫星通信相控阵的良好方案,适用于低轨卫星通信、动中通等应用场合。工作主要完成人:郝瑞森,程钰间。
Abstract—A wideband wide-scan-angle circular polarization (CP) variable inclination continuous transverse stub-like (VICTS-like) antenna for the Ka-band Satellite communication (SatCom) is proposed in this article. The antenna achieves the CP without loading the conventional polarizer, which avoids the extra loss and the co-design difficulty. Specifically, by use of the polarization converting radiator, the quasi-TEM mode in the parallel plate waveguide (PPW) can easily excite the CP radiation without the mode transition. This leads to a lower profile. With the inherent 90° phase difference between the orthogonal polarization components of the radiator, the wide CP bandwidth is realized. By use of the comb-like structure, the mutual couplings along two directions are simultaneously suppressed to realize the large beam scanning range in 2-D. In addition, the width taper and the accurate phase sampling by the input waveguides, which connects the PPW and the radiators, also enhance the operation bandwidth and the beam scanning range, respectively. As a result, the operation band can be from 27.5 to 31.0 GHz. The beam scanning range can be up to ±60°. The axial ratios (ARs) are below 3 dB within the bandwidth and the beam scanning range. The height of the antenna is 0.98λ0.
Index Terms— Beam scanning, circular polarization (CP), polarization converting, satellite communication (SatCom), variable inclination continuous transverse stub (VICTS) antenna, wideband antenna.