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团队有关一种具备泄露抑制结构的W频段过渡结构及其高效率天线应用的成果在IEEE TAP期刊上发表
发布时间:2024-01-04 点击次数:
论文名称“A W-Band, Low-Cost and High-Efficiency Antenna Array Using Multilayer SIW-to-SIW Transition With Leakage-Suppressing Scheme”, 高增益和高效率的天线在W波段前端系统中扮演着至关重要的角色。此外,这类天线还需要注重低成本和高集成度。为了提高SIW(Substrate Integrated Waveguide)天线的效率并减少其占地面积,本文选择了带有半固化片层的多层PCB工艺进行天线设计。然而,由于制造能力的限制,半固化片层可能存在能量泄露的问题。为了解决这一问题,本文通过在传统多层SIW到SIW过渡中嵌入双层蘑菇状电磁带隙(EBG)结构,构建了人工磁导体(AMC)结构,将准三角形空腔转变为准矩形空腔,从而有效抑制了半固化片层中的泄漏问题。基于这一创新,成功实现了天线的高效率和高集成度。实验证明,本文提出的设计在实际应用中与仿真结果吻合良好。工作主要完成人:王鼎,程钰间。
Abstract—In this communication, a W-band 8 × 16 substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) slot array antenna is proposed, which is designed to be low cost and high efficiency. The antenna utilizes a multilayer SIW-to-SIW transition with a double-side mushroom-like electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure to improve the performance of the conventional transition and suppress energy leakage. The antenna is composed of a radiator on the top layer printed circuit board (PCB), a power divider on the bottom-layer PCB, and the multilayer SIW-to-SIW transition at the end of the feeding network. The EBG is loaded on the middle layer between the radiator and power divider to avoid the propagation of the electromagnetic wave in an undesired parallel plate created between bonding layers, which reduces the insertion loss and improves the integration of the antenna. To validate the proposed design, an array antenna based on the normal PCB technology is fabricated and packaged in a metal box. The measured results demonstrate that the 8 x 16 antenna achieves an impedance matching bandwidth of 91.2-96.7 GHz and a peak boresight gain of 24.5 dBi at 94 GHz. Moreover, the ratio of the radiation aperture to the overall footprint is up to 80.2%, and the measured efficiency is 38.8%. The presented array antenna also has the advantages of being low cost, compact, and reliable.
Index Terms— Continuous transverse stub, dual-band antenna, high isolation, shared-aperture antenna, structure reuse.