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Paper Publications
- 2018-04-14
[1] 162. F. Z. Fang, Z. W. Xu, X. T. Hu, C. T. Wang, X. G. Luo, Y. Q. Fu, CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology 59(5), 543–546 (2010).
- 2018-04-14
[2] 161. Z. W. Xu, F. Z. Fang, S. J. Zhang, X. D. Zhang, X. T. Hu, Y. Q. Fu, L. Li, Fabrication of micro DOE using micro tools shaped with focused ion beam, Optics Express, 18(8), 8025-8032 (2010).
- 2018-04-14
[3] 160. Z. W. Xu, F. Z. Fang, Yongqi Fu, S. J. Zhang, T. Han, J. M. Li. Fabrication of Micro/Nano Structures using Focused Ion Beam Implantation and XeF2 Gas Assisted Etching. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 19, 054003 (2009).
- 2018-04-14
[4] 159. Mohammad Yeakub Ali, Nguyen Phu Hung, and Fu Yongqi, A Review of Focused Ion Beam Sputtering. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 157-170 (2010).
- 2018-04-14
[5] 158. R. Langford, Philipp M. Phaneauf, J Gierak, Yongqi Fu, Applications of FIB Micromachining. MRS Bulletin, Vol. 32, No. 5, 417-423 (May 2007).
- 2018-04-14
[6] 157. Haixia Qian, Wei Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, G.C. Lim, Crystallographically-dependent Ripple Formation on Sn Surface Irradiated with Focused Ion Beam. Applied Surface Sciences. 240, 140–145 (Feb. 2005).
- 2018-04-14
[7] 156. D.Z. Xie, B.K.A. Ngoi, W. Zhou, Yongqi Fu, Fabrication and thermal annealing behavior of nanoscale ripple fabricated by focused ion beam. Applied Surface Sciences, 227 (1-4) 250-254 (April 2004).
- 2018-04-14
[8] 155. Y. Ren, Yongqi Fu, and K. Liao, F. Li and H. M. Cheng, Fatigue failure mechanisms of single-walled carbon nanotube ropes embedded in epoxy. Applied Physics Letters, 84 (15), 2811-2813 (12 Apr. 2004).
- 2018-04-14
[9] 154. Xie DZ, Ngoi BKA, Yongqi Fu, Ong AS, B.H. Lim, Etching characteristics of TiNi thin film by focused ion beam. Applied Surface Science. 225 (1-4) 54-58 (March 2004).
- 2018-04-14
[10] 153. Xie DZ, Ngoi BKA, Ong AS, Yongqi Fu, Focused ion beam micromachining of TiNi film on Si(111). Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 211 (3): 363-368 (Nov. 2003).
- 2018-04-14
[11] 152. Hung N.P., Yongqi Fu, and Ali M.Y., Focused ion beam machining of silicon, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 127 (2), 256-260, 2002.
- 2018-04-14
[12] 151. Ong N. S., Koh Y. H. and Y. Q. Fu, Microlens array produced using hot embossing process, Microelectronics Engineering, 60, 365-379 (2002).
- 2018-04-14
[13] 150. Hung N.P., Ali M.Y., Y.Q. Fu, Ong N.S. and Tay M.L, Surface Integrity and Removal Rate of Silicon Sputtered with Focused Ion Beam, Journal of Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 5(2), pp. 239-254 (2001).
- 2018-04-14
[14] 149. N.P. Hung, Yongqi Fu, Effect of crystalline orientation in ductile-regime machining. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 16, No. 12, 871~876 (2000).
- 2018-04-14
[15] 148. Yongqi Fu and Xiuli Zhou, Investigation of Aspect Ratio of Hole Drilling From Micro to Nanoscale via Focused Ion Beam Fine Milling , International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, (2010). (in press)
- 2018-04-14
[16] 147. Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Loh Thian Fatt, Wei Zhou, Direct formation of nanopore array via focused ion beam fine milling and surface coating techniques. International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol.5, No.3 &4, 529-534 (2006).
- 2018-04-14
[17] 146. Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Wei Zhou, Investigation of thermal effect of focused ion beam fabricated microstructures after annealing. International Journal of Nanoscience, Vol. 4, No. 4, 537-541(2005).
- 2018-04-14
[18] 145. Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Wei Zhou, Dongzhu Xie, Lim Boon Hong, Investigation of surface features on BK7 glass via focused ion beam bombardment. International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol.6, No.2, pp.12-18 (2005).
- 2018-04-14
[19] 144. Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Zhongwei Shen, A novel harmless trimming for micro-device with defects and particles in arbitrary geometry by fine milling of focused ion beam. Microelectronics Journal, Vol.35 (2), 111-115 (Feb. 2004).
- 2018-04-14
[20] 143. Yongqi Fu, Ngoi Kok Ann Bryan, Influence of redeposition effect for focused ion beam three-dimensional micromachining. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol.16. No.12, pp. 877~880 (2000).