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Teaching Information
Undergraduate Course
Course Nam | School Yea | Semeste | Required Class Hour | Credit | Course Numbe |
步入纳米世界—微观世界中的光行为揭秘 | 2018-2019 | Autumn Term | 24 | 2 | H0412420 |
1. 本科生专业选修课:《光通信前沿讲座》(16学时,1学分) | 2012-2013 | Spring Term | 20 | 1 | 03557401 |
Postgraduate Course
Course Nam | School Yea | Semeste | Required Class Hour | Credit | Course Numbe |
5. 留学生专业选修课:《Nano-optics》(40学时,2学分,全英语授课) | 2017-2018 | Spring Term | 40 | 2 | 630401 |
4. 研究生专业选修课:《光学前沿讲座》(20学时,1学分) | 2017-2018 | Spring Term | 20 | 2 | 04887001 |
2. 研究生专业选修课:《亚波长光学》(40学时,2学分) | 2017-2018 | Spring Term | 40 | 2 | 04047001 |
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctor of Engineering