
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:四川大学
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:理学博士学位
- 在职信息:在职人员
- 所在单位:光电科学与工程学院
- 学科:光学工程
- 办公地点:逸夫楼210右(Bld.Yifu 210) 地址(Address):建设北路段4号(No 4 Sect.2 North Jianshe Road)
- 联系方式:c13829c369bf1dfa9648bf29e27799779f988d2d8e00498bbd6599c4e366dbc650d23ba4d66709e150b2fffd57457ea2e029da9ee5d68c3a07c2554c7c958955a51cbc2dff2e21b2becb7b53cd6efbcfa519eb3e23d58c062e154bacf9edcc1c6b3b854df27a39add816a1c8ded7ed4df350f8800b835a03a6b5e8efc5262587
- 电子邮箱:2b038efe6932278acbcb69c85670f1e82ba9ae1aff4682cc7d8f1e67a6dd8aae036c43a0ec9504594dbd5ac78bff27c45800771ca6137aea6cb7fcb76ae2f3bc0783b9769843c14587017402e0b841470c951df3f9fe856cbf36836f6164d0f41254a17c1ce19cdeba69b39edb5351adb21c47e59b674a858d4ec899e1303b8a
Jun Yao,
Yongkang Guo,
Jinglei Du,
and Xiaowei Guo,
(2006): Large-area surface-plasmon polariton interference lithography, Optics Letters, 31(17), 2613-15( Cited: 88)
Xiaowei Guo,
Qiming Dong:Coupled surface plasmon interference lithography based on metal-bounded dielectric structure, Journal of applied physics, 2010,108(11), 1101-1105
Yongzhi Liu
and Xiaowei Guo,
Improving the imaging quality of MOEs in DMD-based maskless lithography, Microelectronic engineering, 2010, 87:1100-1103
Yongzhi Liu,
Yong Liu,
Heping Li,
Xiaoxia Zhang,
and Xiaowei Guo,
(2010): A wide tuning range electro-optic filter based on long-period waveguide grating, Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(3), 1−5
Xiaowei Guo,
Qiming Dong, long range surface plasmon interference lithography, Microelectronic engineering, 2011, 88 (8), 2184-2187
Xiaowei Guo,
surface plasmon resonance biosensor technique, a review, Journal of Biophotonics, 2012, 5(7):483–501(Cited: 50, Top 20 in the same topic)
Xiaowei Guo,
Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles enhanced surface plasmon resonance for ultrasensitive immunoassay, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Sensors and Actuators B 205 (2014) 276–280