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Personal Information

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  

Academic Titles : Professor

Honors and Titles : Distinguished Student of China U. of Petroleum (Beijing); Excellent Ph.D. Thesis of CUPB; Education Scholarship of SEG (2009-2011)

Teaching Information

Undergraduate Course

Course Name School Year Semester Required Class Hours Credits Course Number
勘查技术工程学 2021-2022 Spring Term 64 4 G0700140.01
Exploration Technology and Engineering 2020-2021 Spring Term 64 4 G0700140.01
Exploration Technology and Engineering 2019-2020 Spring Term 32 2 E0713120.01
Earthquake: Generation and Application 2018-2019 Summer Term 20 1 T0700220

Postgraduate Course

Course Name School Year Semester Required Class Hours Credits Course Number
最优化理论与应用 2022-2023 Autumn Term 40 2 0408086003
测井资料人工智能处理解释 2021-2022 Summer Term 20 0.5 0766667006
Induced Seismicity 2018-2019 Summer Term 20 1 T0001