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Scientific Research
Research Projects
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more+- [1] 一种分区型分布式光纤信号放大方法
- [2] Method of improving measurement speed of distributed optical fiber sensor by adopting orthogonal signals and system thereof
- [3] Hybrid random fiber laser distributed amplification method based on erbium fiber with low doping concentration
- [4] Random distributed Rayleigh feedback fiber laser based on double-cladding weakly ytterbium-doped fiber
- [5] 基于纤芯泵浦的掺镱拉曼混合增益随机光纤激光器
Paper Publications
more+- [1] Shengtao Lin. Rayleigh Fading Suppression in One-Dimensional Optical Scatters .IEEE Access .2019 ,7 :17125 - 17132
- [2] Zinan Wang. 2018-Distributed acoustic sensing based on pulse-coding phase-sensitive OTDR .IEEE Internet of Things Journal .2018
- [3] Naitian Xue. 2018-Characterization and Compensation of Phase Offset in Φ-OTDR With Heterodyne Detection .Journal of Lightwave Technology .2018 ,36 (23) :5481-5487
- [4] Han Wu. 2018-1.5 μm Low Threshold, High Efficiency Random Fiber Laser with Hybrid Erbium–Raman Gain .Journal of Lightwave Technology .2018 ,36 (4) :844-849
- [5] Han Wu. 2018-Multiwavelength ytterbium-Brillouin random Rayleigh feedback fiber laser .Laser Physics Letters .2018 ,15 (3) :035105
Research Field
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Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctor of Engineering