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主要从事磁共振多模态脑影像数据分析和精神疾病应用。现有的两个研究方向为:1. 人脑白质功能成像。具体为基于磁共振成像探索人脑白质功能信号生理意义,突破传统认为白质功能信号为随机生理噪声的观念。主要贡献是证实了胼胝体组织存在独特的功能分割图谱和脑白质功能连接的时空特征,促进脑白质功能影像的应用。2. 阿尔兹海默症记忆与认知功能进行性衰退的神经机制及其早期诊断与预测问题。

以第一/通讯作者在包括J AM ACAD CHILD PSY,Cerebral Cortex,NeuroImage,Brain Structure & Function等国际高水平期刊发表9篇SCI论文。详细成果请参见谷歌学术:https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=J7Jg7_sAAAAJ。参与“中国脑计划”和4项国家自然科学基金面上项目。担任国际阿尔兹海默症权威期刊Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease杂志副编辑和BMC Geriatrics、Brain Structure & Function和Scientific Reports等杂志审稿人。


1.Wang, P., Wang, J., Jiang, Y., Wang, Z., Meng, C., Castellanos, F. X., & Biswal, B. B. Cerebro-cerebellar Dysconnectivity in Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2022.

2.Jiang, Y., Wang, P*., Wen, J., Wang, J., Li, H., & Biswal, B. B. Hippocampus-based static functional connectivity mapping within white matter in mild cognitive impairment. Brain Structure and Function, 227(7), 2285-2297, 2022.

3.Klugah-Brown, B., Wang, P*., Jiang, Y., Becker, B., Hu, P., Uddin, L. Q., & Biswal, B. Structural–functional connectivity mapping of the insular cortex: a combined data-driven and meta-analytic topic mapping. Cerebral Cortex, 2022.

4.Wang, P., Wang, J., Michael, A., Wang, Z., Klugah-Brown, B., Meng, C., & Biswal, B. B. White matter functional connectivity in resting-state fMRI: robustness, reliability, and relationships to gray matter. Cerebral Cortex, 32(8), 1547-1559, 2022.

5.Wang, J., Wang, P#*., Jiang, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Li, H., & Biswal, B. B. Hippocampus-Based Dynamic Functional Connectivity Mapping in the Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, (Preprint), 1-12, 2022.

6.Wang, P., Wang, J., Tang, Q., Alvarez, T. L., Wang, Z., Kung, Y. C., ... & Biswal, B. B. Structural and functional connectivity mapping of the human corpus callosum organization with white-matter functional networks. Neuroimage, 227, 117642, 2021.

7.Wang, P., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Jiang, Y., Zhang, H., Li, H., & Biswal, B. B. Altered homotopic functional connectivity within white matter in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in neuroscience, 15, 2021.

8.Wang, P., Meng, C., Yuan, R., Wang, J., Yang, H., Zhang, T., ... & Biswal, B. B. The organization of the human corpus callosum estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity with white-matter functional networks. Cerebral Cortex, 30(5), 3313-3324, 2020.