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Hua Yuan*, Guoqing Chen, Junjie Wu, Hui Xiong, Towards controlling virus propagation in point-to-group information sharing. Decision Support Systems (DSS), Volume 48, Issue 1, December (2009): 57-68.
Hua Yuan*, Guoqing Chen, Network virus epidemic model with the point-to-group in- formation propagation. Applied Mathematics and Computation (AMC), Volume 206, Issue 1 (2008) 357-367.
Liangqiang Li, Hua Yuan, Yu Qian*, Peiji Shao, Towards exploring when and what peo- ple reviewed for their online shopping experience?. Journal of systems science and systems engineering (JSSSE), Vol.27, Issue 3, pp.367-393, 2018.
Li Liangqiang, Yuan Hua, Ye Kai, Qian Yu*, Tang Xiaowo. Research on Efficient Product Feature Extraction from Massive Online Review with Word Representation (in Chinese),Journal of Systems Engineering (JSE), Vol.33, No.5, pp.687-697, 2018.
YUAN Hua, XU Hualin, QIAN Yu*, LUO Qian, On Exploring Hot Topic Words and Its Local Features From Massive Online Data (in Chinese). Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (JIEEM), Vol.32, No.4, 2018, pp.133-140.
Baojun Ma, Nan Zhang*, Guannan Liu, Liangqiang Li, Hua Yuan, Semantic Search for Public Comments on Urban Affairs: A Probabilistic Topic Modeling-based Approach. In- formation processing & Management (IPM), 52(3), pp.430-445, 2016.
Baojun Ma, Hua Yuan*, Yan Wan, Yu Qian, Nan Zhang and Qiongwei Ye, Public opinion analysis based on probabilistic topic modeling and deep learning. In the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), June 27-July 1, 2016, paper 376, Chiayi, Taiwan, China.
Bingyue Peng, Junjie Wu, Hua Yuan, Qingwei Guo, Dacheng Tao*, ANEEC: A Quasi- Automatic System for Massive Named Entity Extraction and Categorization. The Computer Journal (TCJ), Volume 56, Issue 11, November 2013, Pages 1328-1346.