
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:香港科技大学
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:哲学博士学位
- 在职信息:在职人员
- 所在单位:集成电路科学与工程学院(示范性微电子学院)
- 职务 : Porfessor
- 学科:微电子学与固体电子学
- 曾获荣誉:中国电子学会优秀科技工作者(2017)
访问量 :
Study of the Short-Circuit Capability and Device Instability of p-GaN Gate HEMTs by Repetitive Short-Circuit Stress
A Novel Enhancement-Mode Gallium Nitride p-Channel Metal Insulator Semiconductor FieldEffect Transistor with a Buried Back Gate for Gallium Nitride SingleChip Complementary Logic Circuits
Total-Ionizing-Dose Radiation Effect on Dynamic Threshold Voltage in p-GaN Gate HEMTs
High threshold voltage enhancement-mode GaN p-FET with Si-rich LPCVD SiNx gate insulator for high hole mobility
Double-Phase Adaptive Neural Network for Condition-Based Monitoring of p-GaN HEMT Under Repetitive Short-Circuit Stresses
The Device Instability of p-GaN Gate HEMTs Induced by Self-Heating Effect Investigated by on-State Drain Current Injection (DCI) Technique
A novel E-mode GaN p-MOSFET featuring charge storage layer with high current density
The Modulation Effect of LPCVD-SixNy Stoichiometry on 2-DEG Characteristic of UTB AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure
A Novel Trench-Gated Vertical GaN Transistor With Dual-Current-Aperture by Electric-Field Engineering for High Breakdown Voltage
Simulation Study of the Use of AlGaN/GaN Ultra-Thin-Barrier HEMTs with Hybrid Gates for Achieving a Wide Threshold Voltage Modulation Range
Kevin J Chen
SJ Cai
ZH Feng
Chunhua Zhou
Hongwei Chen
and Qi Zhou
Schottky source/drain InAlN/AlN/GaN MISHEMT with enhanced breakdown voltage, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 38-40,
Yuanyuan Shi
Chao Yang
Qi Zhou
and [J-1]Anbang Zhang
A High-Accuracy AlGaN/GaN Reverse Blocking CRD (RB-CRD) with Hybrid Trench Cathode, Nanoscale research letters,